
suomi-englanti sanakirja

quotation englannista suomeksi

  1. lainaus

  2. noteeraus

  3. lainaaminen, siteeraus

  4. sitaatti

  1. Substantiivi

  2. tarjous

quotation englanniksi

  1. A fragment of a human expression that is repeated by somebody else, for example from literature or a famous speech.

  2. (syn)


  3. The act of quoting someone or something.

  4. (quote-book)|location=Hartford, Conn.|publisher=(...) Orlando Dwight Case & Co.|year=1868|page=523|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/explorationofnil00bakeuoft/page/523/mode/1up|passage=One of these preachers was a blacksmith, whose iron constitution had entirely given way, and the little strength that remained he exhausted in endless quotation of texts from the Bible.

  5. (quote-journal)

  6. (quote-book)

  7. A price that has been quoted for buying or selling.

  8. (ux)

  9. The act of setting a price.

  10. A quota, a share.(R:Webster 1913)