
suomi-englanti sanakirja

pillory englannista suomeksi

  1. panna häpeäpaaluun

  2. häpeäpaalu, kaakinpuu

  3. häpäistä julkisesti

  1. Substantiivi

  2. häpeäpaalu

  3. Verbi

  4. panna häpeäpaaluun">panna häpeäpaaluun

  5. häpäistä

  6. soimata, teilata, arvostella ankarasti">arvostella ankarasti

pillory englanniksi

  1. A framework on a post, with holes for the hands and head, used as a means of punishment and humiliation.

  2. (RQ:Langland Piers Plowman) moſt harme worketh / To the pore people that percel mele byghe...|Mayors and mace-bearers, the means are between / The king and the commons to see the law kept, / To punish on pillories and punishment stools / Brewers and bakers, butchers and cooks, / For these are this world's men that work the most harm / To the poor people that must buy piece-meal.|brackets=on|termlang=en

  3. (quote-book)

  4. (RQ:Bunyan Pilgrim's Progress)

  5. To put in a pillory.

  6. To subject to humiliation, scorn, ridicule or abuse.

  7. (quote-book )

  8. To criticize harshly.

  9. (quote-journal)