
suomi-englanti sanakirja

pako englanniksi

  1. break

  2. getaway, lam

  3. abscondment

  4. running away

  5. hejira

  6. escape, flight

  1. parcel

  2. nail

  3. fern ((taxlink))

  4. wing

  5. (vern) ((taxlink))

  6. package, parcel

  7. (ux)

  8. flight, fleeing

  9. (uxi)

  10. escape

  11. hole, tear (gloss)

  12. ladder (Br), run (Amer) (gloss)

  13. (syn)

  14. bundle, package, parcel

  15. a fern species

  16. a shark (general term for the type of fish)

  17. shark

  18. (inflection of)

  19. (sw-adj form of)

  20. nail; spike

  21. act or manner of nailing

  22. focus

  23. staying in place

  24. fern (gl)

  25. type of fern, can be served as vegetable and often found near rivers or creeks (gl)

  26. tail

  27. chowrie

  28. hideout

  29. sleeve (gloss)

  30. wood, plank, wooden board

  31. stick; used for brushing one's teeth

  32. a plant of species (taxlink), of which its sticks are used to make the stick. Along with other members of the genus (taxfmt), it is known as (l), and its bitter leaves are used in many stews and soups. It is also used as a purgative.

  33. to weed; to kill or clear plants, grass

  34. The (w) tree (w)

  35. (vern) ((taxlink)), of tropical Africa