
suomi-englanti sanakirja

mow englannista suomeksi

  1. heinäsuova

  2. mutristaa

  3. leikata ruohoa, leikata

  1. niittää, leikata ruohoa

mow englanniksi

  1. To down grass or crops.

  2. (ux)

  3. To down or slaughter in great numbers.

  4. (quote-text)|title=Letters from Mesopotamia

  5. (quote-av)

  6. The act of mowing (a garden, grass{{, etc.).

  7. A shot played with a sweeping or scythe-like motion.

  8. 1828, ''Sporting Magazine'' (volume 21? 71? page 10)

  9. I consider it would engender a stiff, tame, cautious mode of play, with only now and then a mow, or a chopping hit.
  10. (quote-book)

  11. A scornful grimace; a wry face. (defdate)

  12. (RQ:Montaigne Florio Essaye), Folio Society, 2006, vol.1, p.212:

  13. Those that paint them dying(..)delineate the prisoners spitting in their executioners faces, and making mowes at them.
  14. (RQ:Shakespeare Hamlet)

  15. To make grimaces, mock.

  16. (RQ:Shakespeare Tempest)

  17. {{quote-text|en|year=1848|editor=Henry Walter|author=William Tyndale|title=Doctrinal Treatises and Introductions to Different Portions of the Holy Scriptures

  18. A stack of hay, corn, beans or a barn for the storage of hay, corn, beans.

  19. The place in a barn where hay or grain in the sheaf is stowed.

  20. To put into mows.

  21. (alternative form of) (a seagull)

  22. (alt form)