
suomi-englanti sanakirja

minimal englannista suomeksi

  1. minimaalinen

  1. minimaalinen, mahdollisimman pieni">mahdollisimman pieni

  2. minimaalinen, pelkistetty

  3. minimaalinen

  4. Substantiivi

minimal englanniksi

  1. The smallest possible amount, quantity, or degree.

  2. (syn)



  3. Among elements of some collection, such that no other element is greater (with respect to some given order).

  4. Characterised by the use of simple form or structures.

  5. Characterised by the repetition and gradual alteration of short phrases.

  6. Something very small; a tiny part or fragment.

  7. {{quote-text|en|year=1994|author=David Holbrook|title=Creativity and Popular Culture|page=37

  8. 1987, J. Golden Taylor, Western Literature Association (U.S.), ''A Literary History of the American West'' (page 451)

  9. (..) identifications with birds, fish, trees, and flowers (and occasionally as relief, with the stillness of rocks, clam shells, driftwood, and nature's minimals); (..)
  10. (l)

  11. minimal

  12. (l), minimalistic

  13. (l), minimum

  14. (non-gloss)

  15. (l) (gloss)

  16. minimalistic

  17. (l); the smallest possible amount, quantity, or degree; as small as possible