
suomi-englanti sanakirja

medley englannista suomeksi

  1. sekoitus, sikermä

  1. Substantiivi

  2. sekoitus, yhdistelmä

  3. sikermä, potpuri

  4. sekauinti

  5. Verbi

medley englanniksi

  1. Combat, fighting; a battle. (defdate)

  2. (RQ:Mlry MrtDrthr)

  3. {{quote-text|en|year=1632|author=Xenophon|translator=Philemon Holland|title=Cyrupaedia

  4. A collection or mixture of miscellaneous things. (defdate)

  5. ''a fruit medley''

  6. (RQ:Addison Cato)

  7. (quote-text)|title=Letters and Poems, Amorous and Gallant

  8. A collection of related songs played or mixed together as a single piece. (defdate)

  9. ''They played a medley of favorite folk songs as an encore.''

  10. A competitive swimming event that combines the four strokes of butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle. (defdate)

  11. A cloth of mixed colours.

  12. {{quote-text|en|year=1631|author=Thomas Fuller|title=Comment on Ruth , Chapter 1, verses 9, 10, 11

  13. To combine, to form a medley.

  14. (l) (qualifier)

  15. (ux)

  16. several songs strung together.

  17. (l) (gloss)