
suomi-englanti sanakirja

mano englanniksi

  1. A stone resembling a pin, used to grind maize or other grain on a metate.

  2. life

  3. hand

  4. (ca-verb form of)

  5. a schoolyard pick

  6. the hand

  7. (syn)

  8. to pick an it

  9. to take turns picking a team or members of a team

  10. to pick the order of players in a game

  11. an elder

  12. (n-g)

  13. a bundle of tobacco leaves

  14. to lag

  15. hand

  16. (monikko) ny|dzino

  17. to die

  18. {{quote-text|eo|year=1999|author=Trans. Edwin Grobe|title=Mark Twain: Tri Noveloj|url=

  19. death

  20. (a single) manes, ancestral spirit

  21. band, company (Boccaccio; v. manus)

  22. round

  23. arm

  24. to give out, shed, pour forth

  25. to flow, run, trickle, drop, distil, run; to leak

  26. to flow, diffuse or extend oneself, spread

  27. to spread, leak out, become known

  28. to flow, spring, arise, proceed, emanate, originate

  29. my, mine

  30. (uxi)

  31. by me (gloss)

  32. (cln) thousand

  33. multitude

  34. host

  35. creed

  36. moon

  37. (topics) moon

  38. (inflection of)

  39. brother, male sibling

  40. bro, homie

  41. (ux)

  42. dude, bro, man

  43. (pt-verb form of)

  44. front foot

  45. round; hand

  46. coat, lick

  47. skill, talent

  48. (l) (gloss)

  49. (synonyms)

  50. buddy, friend

  51. (es-verb form of)

  52. (w); taking of an elder's hand to press it to one's forehead or kiss it (q)

  53. right turn (q)

  54. (ant)

  55. right of a player to be first in playing (q)

  56. coating; layer (q)

  57. quire (gl)

  58. (alt form)