
suomi-englanti sanakirja

lapa englanniksi

  1. blade

  2. shoulder

  1. An open structure in Africa, typically a thatched roof supported by wooden poles.

  2. A metal instrument of 19th-century China, resembling the oboe.

  3. A (l).

  4. A courtyard around a house or village.

  5. rotten, decayed, decomposed

  6. (syn)

  7. useless, incapable

  8. low-quality, inferior

  9. lava

  10. quotient; the result of division

  11. to cut into sizable chunks or portions

  12. to mutilate; hack to pieces

  13. shoulder (gloss)

  14. blade (gloss)

  15. blade, lamina

  16. headstock, peghead (gloss)

  17. (infl of)

  18. (inflection of)

  19. grotto, cave; shelter

  20. stone

  21. limpet

  22. Someone dependent; someone disregarding or ignorant of another's space

  23. flame

  24. (gl-verb form of)

  25. mistake made in weaving

  26. (synonym of)

  27. paw

  28. flipper

  29. foot

  30. double cable-stitch

  31. leaf

  32. (ux)

  33. sheet of paper, especially in a book

  34. (ux) page)|inline=1

  35. web page

  36. to cut up (a carcass), to butcher

  37. (cloth) wrapper (for something)

  38. bee

  39. hungry

  40. grotto; cave, especially one used as shelter

  41. limpet (a small mollusc)

  42. bee.

  43. A Piaggio Ape.

  44. rubber

  45. to be hungry

  46. limpet

  47. limpet, person who sticks to another

  48. paca

  49. macaw

  50. to lap (take up (liquid) with the tongue)

  51. to up (the sun)

  52. butchering; slaughtering; quartering (gl)

  53. cutting of meat into big lumps or pieces

  54. big lump or cut of meat

  55. autopsy; necropsy

  56. butchered; killed (gl)

  57. a wide part at the end of something; foot (gloss), blade (gloss), etc.