
suomi-englanti sanakirja

kale englannista suomeksi

  1. lehtikaali

  2. kaali

  3. fyffe

  1. Substantiivi

  2. lehtikaali

  3. Verbi

kale englanniksi

  1. An edible plant, similar to cabbage, with curled leaves that do not form a dense head ((taxfmt))

  2. (syn)

  3. Any of several cabbage-like food plants that are kinds of (taxfmt).

  4. Broth containing kale as a chief ingredient.

  5. Money.

  6. {{quote-book

  7. to congeal, curdle

  8. street

  9. (infl of)

  10. glume

  11. should or to

  12. (inflection of)

  13. body

  14. to hold or block with a wedge

  15. house

  16. antiquity, the past

  17. ancient, old

  18. (adj form of)

  19. fort, castle, fortress, stronghold

  20. rook

  21. goal (an area into which the players attempt to put the ball)

  22. stronghold (of an ideology)