
suomi-englanti sanakirja

involve englannista suomeksi

  1. kuulua

  2. käsittää

  3. koskea

  4. liikuttaa

  5. sotkea

  6. aiheuttaa

  1. Verbi

  2. kuulua, liittyä part as a subject, whole in the illative, but the word order is still usually the same as in English; sisältää, käsittää

  3. sotkea, sekoittaa in something negative; osallistua, uppoutua involve oneself; sekaantua involve oneself in something negative; tuoda mukaan|lit=to bring along">tuoda mukaan|lit=to bring along, vetää mukaan|lit=to pull along">vetää mukaan|lit=to pull along in terms of participation; hyödyntää to use, utilize, exploit; yhdistää, liittää to associate

  4. olla suhteessa">olla suhteessa

  5. johtaa, sotkea, viedä

  6. peittää, ympäröidä, sulkea, kätkeä

  7. kääriä

  8. mutkistaa

  9. nostaa ... potenssiin">nostaa ... potenssiin

involve englanniksi

  1. To have (something) as a component or a related part; to comprise, to include.

  2. (synonyms)


  3. (RQ:Bacon Learning) That is vvhen the Secrets and Miſteries of Religion, Pollicy, or Philoſophy, are inuolued in Fables or Parables. Of this in diuine Poeſie, vvee ſee the vſe is authoriſed.

  4. (RQ:Browne Pseudodoxia Epidemica) involving therein the ſecret of their Elixir, and enigmatically expreſſing the nature of their great vvorke.

  5. (RQ:Berkeley Human Knowledge) And hath heretofore ſo far infected the Minds of ſome, that they have dreamt of mighty ''Myſteries'' involved in Numbers, and attempted the Explication of Natural Things by them.

  6. (RQ:Ruskin Political Economy of Art)

  7. (RQ:Allingham China Governess) There was a deficiency of a sort there, and it was not made more pretty by a latter-day hair cut which involved eccentrically long elf-locks and oiled black curls.

  8. (quote-journal)

  9. To include (something) as a logical or natural, or necessary component, or consequence or effect of something else; to entail, to imply.

  10. (RQ:Browne Pseudodoxia Epidemica)

  11. (RQ:Hobbes Leviathan), the High Priests, and the Kings of Judah|page=249|passage=At the making of this Covenant, God ſpake onely to (w); and therefore contracted not vvith any of his family, or ſeed, othervviſe then as their vvills (vvhich make the eſſence of all Covenants) vvere before the Contract involved in the vvill of Abraham; vvho vvas ſuppoſed to have had a lavvfull povver, to make them perform all that he covenanted for them.

  12. (RQ:Tillotson Sermons)

  13. To cause or engage (someone or something) to become connected or implicated, or to participate, in some activity or situation.

  14. (RQ:Richard Blackmore Arthur)

  15. (quote-journal)|compiler=Bayly Howell|Thomas Bayly Howell; Thomas Jones Howell|journal=A Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings for High Treason and Other Crimes and Misdemeanors from the Earliest Period to the Year 1783,(nb...)|location=London|publisher=(...) Curson Hansard|Thomas Curson Hansard,(nb...); for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown;(nb...)|date=29 October 1794|year_published=1818|volume=XXIV|columns=436–437|columnurl=|oclc=838753769|passage=There is no manner of doubt that upon an indictment for a conspiracy, be the conspiracy to do one act, or another act, or be the quality of the act done, when it is done, what it may, that as far as you can connect persons acting together towards one purpose, which purpose constitutes the crime, you may undoubtedly involve them together by evidence, but that is not the question here.

  16. (RQ:Scott Waverley)

  17. ''Chiefly followed by'' with: to engage (someone or oneself) in an emotional or sexual relationship.

  18. To entangle, intertwine, or mingle (something with one or more other things, or several things together); especially, to entangle (someone or something) in a confusing or troublesome situation.

  19. (RQ:Elyot Governour)

  20. (RQ:Marston Works)

  21. (RQ:Herbert Travaile)

  22. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)

  23. (RQ:Sterne Sentimental Journey)

  24. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=(...) J. King,(nb...)|year=1843|page=vii|pageurl=|oclc=496986747|passage=The materials being thus combined, the next process was to involve them, so as to obtain the number exposed to the risk of mortality in each year of age, in order to ascertain the proportion of deaths; (..)

  25. To cover or envelop (something) completely; to hide, to surround.

  26. (RQ:Bacon Learning) 2:13–14.

  27. (RQ:Taylor Great Exemplar)

  28. (RQ:Hale Mankind)

  29. (RQ:Dryden Aeneis)

  30. (RQ:Homer Dryden Iliad)

  31. (RQ:Thomson Summer)

  32. (RQ:Pope Dunciad)

  33. (RQ:Charles Wilkins Bhagvat-Geeta)

  34. (RQ:Goldsmith History of the Earth)

  35. (RQ:Tennyson In Memoriam)

  36. (RQ:Browning Aurora Leigh)

  37. (quote-journal); New York, N.Y.: Willmer & Rogers|month=July|year=1862|volume=XLIV|issue=CXVII (New Series)|page=193|pageurl=|oclc=|passage=O God, who involvedst in the consuming fire the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, and gavest salvation to (biblical person)|Lot Thy servant and his household: (..) show us in this test of our littleness the virtue of the same Holy Spirit, and by the heat of this Fire separate the believing and unbelieving, (..)

  38. To form (something) into a coil or spiral, or into folds; to entwine, to up, to roll, to wind round.

  39. (RQ:Marston Antonio's Revenge)

  40. (RQ:Shelley Revolt of Islam)

  41. To make (something) intricate; to complicate.

  42. (RQ:Thomas More Workes)

  43. (RQ:Hakewill Apologie)

  44. (quote-book)|edition=new|location=London|publisher=Orr's Circle of the SciencesWilliam S Orr & Co.|William S. Orr & Co.,(nb...)|year=1848|page=355|pageurl=|oclc=642920448|passage=The distribution and configuration of the land, together with the influence of the winds, greatly involve the problem of the tides, and render it one of the most difficult in the whole range of physics.

  45. (quote-journal)|location=London|publisher=(...) (w), for of Public Sector Information|Her Majesty’s Stationery Office|year=1859|year_published=1861|page=169|pageurl=|oclc=558597238|passage=The sewerage and drainage of the town of Gibraltar, being upon a very defective system, greatly involve the sanitary welfare of the troops, many of the barrack buildings being immediately within the influences of such evil.

  46. (quote-journal)|date=25 October 1878|volume=XLVI|page=294|pageurl=|column=1|issn=0013-7758|oclc=885265859|passage=Before leaving this branch of our subject, it may be well to point out that a young man who possesses the power of explaining himself clearly, without stammering and stumbling, and involving his sentences, always has a great advantage on his side.

  47. To multiply (a number) by itself a given number of times; to raise to any assigned power.

  48. (quote-book)|location=New Haven, Conn.|publisher=Howe & Deforest; Oliver Steele, printer|year=1814|section=article 484|page=242|pageurl=|oclc=7723452|passage=Subtract the power from the given quantity, and divide the first term of the remainder, by the first term of the root involved to the next inferiour power, and multiplied by the index of the given power; the quotient will be the next term of the root.

  49. (inflection of)