
suomi-englanti sanakirja

initiate englannista suomeksi

  1. aloittaa, panna alulle

  2. jäsen

  3. uusi jäsen, noviisi, aloittelija

  4. ottaa jäseneksi

  5. tulokas

  1. Substantiivi

  2. tulokas, uusi jäsen">uusi jäsen

  3. tulokas

  4. Verbi

  5. käynnistää, aloittaa, panna alulle">panna alulle

  6. johdattaa, opastaa

  7. vihkiä

initiate englanniksi

  1. (senseid) A new member of an organization.

  2. (senseid) One who has been through a ceremony of initiation.

  3. (senseid) One who is (l) in and (l) with a topic or subject; especially, one who is an (l) in it.

  4. (ant)


  5. To begin; to start.

  6. (RQ:Isaac Taylor Ultimate Civilization)

  7. To instruct in the rudiments or principles; to introduce.

  8. (RQ:More Antidote)

  9. {{RQ:Locke Education|94

  10. To confer membership on; especially, to admit to a secret order with mysterious rites or ceremonies.

  11. (RQ:Warburton Divine Legation)

  12. (RQ:Spectator)

  13. To do the first act; to perform the first rite; to take the initiative.

  14. (RQ:Homer Pope et al Odyssey)

  15. Unpractised; untried; new.

  16. (RQ:Shakespeare Macbeth)

  17. Begun; commenced; introduced to, or instructed in, the rudiments; newly admitted.

  18. (RQ:Young Night-Thoughts)

  19. (inflection of)