
suomi-englanti sanakirja

hinder englannista suomeksi

  1. vaikeuttaa, hankaloittaa, haitata, ehkäistä

  2. estää, viivyttää

  3. taka-

  1. estää, haitata, vaikeuttaa

  2. estää, haitata, viivyttää, pidättää

  3. taka-, perä-">perä-

  4. persaus

  5. Verbi

  6. Substantiivi

hinder englanniksi

  1. To make difficult to accomplish; to act as an obstacle; to frustrate.

  2. (synonyms)



  3. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 5)

  4. (quote-web)

  5. To delay or impede; to back, to prevent.

  6. ''She hindered a man from committing suicide.''

  7. (RQ:Shakespeare Two Gentlemen of Verona)

  8. (RQ:Locke Government)

  9. To cause harm.

  10. Of or belonging to that part or end which is in the rear or hind, or which follows.

  11. ''the hinder end of a wagon''

    ''the hinder parts of a horse''

  12. {{quote-text|en|year=1902|author=John Buchan|title=The Outgoing of the Tide

  13. {{quote-text|en|year=1990|editor=C. W. H. Havard|title=Black's Medical Dictionary|edition=36th|page=673

  14. (en-comparative of)

  15. The buttocks.

  16. {{quote-book|en|year=1997|author=Richard Laliberte; Stephen C. George|title=The Men's Health Guide to Peak Conditioning|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=2MOrDKokat8C|page=195|isbn=0875963234

  17. hindrance, obstacle, impediment, obstruction

  18. in the modern language only in the expression (l)

  19. (inflection of)

  20. hindrance, impediment, obstruction

  21. (uxi)

  22. (infl of)

  23. (verb form of)

  24. to help

  25. obstacle, hindrance, impediment

  26. fence, jump, hurdle (q)

  27. hurdles (q)

  28. an obstacle, an obstruction

  29. an obstacle, a barrier, a hindrance, a hurdle, etc.