
suomi-englanti sanakirja

hearty englannista suomeksi

  1. vilpitön

  2. tuhti, tukeva

  3. runsas

  4. reipas

  5. sydämellinen

  1. sydämellinen

  2. vankka

  3. tuhti, tukeva, runsas

  4. Substantiivi

hearty englanniksi

  1. (senseid) Warm and cordial towards another person.

  2. (synonyms)


  3. (quote-book)

  4. (RQ:Churchill Celebrity)

  5. (RQ:Travers Cuckoo in the Nest) the awfully hearty sort of Christmas cards that people do send to other people that they don't know at all well.

  6. (senseid) Energetic, active or eager.

  7. (synonyms)


  8. (senseid) Cheerful; vivacious.

  9. (senseid) Exhibiting strength; firm.

  10. (senseid) Promoting strength; nourishing.

  11. 1927-29, (w), ''(w)'', translated 1940 by (w), Part I, Chapter xiv:

  12. I launched out in search of a vegetarian restaurant. (..)I would trot ten or twelve miles each day, go into a cheap restaurant and eat my fill of bread, but would never be satisfied. During these wanderings I once hit on a vegetarian restaurant in Farringdon Street. The sight of it filled me with the same joy that a child feels on getting a thing after its own heart. Before I entered I noticed books for sale exhibited under a glass window near the door. I saw among them Salt's ''Plea for Vegetarianism''. This I purchased for a shilling and went straight to the dining room. This was my first hearty meal since my arrival in England.
  13. a term of familiar address and fellowship among sailors.

  14. (quote-text)