
suomi-englanti sanakirja

gest englanniksi

  1. A story or adventure; a verse or prose romance.

  2. (RQ:Holinshed Chronicles)

  3. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene)

  4. An action represented in sports, plays, or on the stage; show; ceremony.

  5. a. 1639, (w), a sermon

  6. And surely no Ceremonies of dedication , no not of Solomons Temple it self , are comparable to those sacred gests , whereby this place was sanctified
  7. Bearing; deportment.

  8. A gesture or action.

  9. (RQ:Montaigne Florio Essayes).

  10. (alternative form of)

  11. (RQ:Shakespeare Winter's Tale)Yet of your Royall presence, Ile aduenture / The borrow of a Weeke. When at Bohemia / You take my Lord, Ile giue him my Commission, / To let him there a Moneth, behind the Gest / Prefix'd for's parting: yet (good-deed) Leontes, / I loue thee not a Iarre o'th' Clock, behind / What Lady she her Lord. You'le stay?

  12. gesture

  13. (inflection of)

  14. (verb form of)

  15. yeast

  16. (senseid) A guest, visitor; somebody staying at another's residence.

  17. A customer of a hostel or inn; one that pays for accommodation.

  18. An unknown person; a foreigner or outsider.

  19. A (often threatening) male individual; a ominous person.

  20. A male lover of a woman; a man in an unofficial intimate relationship with a woman.

  21. (alt form)

  22. late 14th century, Chaucer|Geoffrey Chaucer, The Man of Law's Tale, ''The Canterbury Tales'', line 1126-1127:

  23. (quote)
  24. late 14th century, Chaucer|Geoffrey Chaucer, The Squire's Tale, ''The Canterbury Tales'', line 209-211:

  25. a gesture

  26. (alternative form of)

  27. A soul, spirit, breath

  28. gesture (gl)

  29. a gesture; a motion of the hands

  30. ''gäster med gester''

    guests with gestures (title of a Swedish TV show)

  31. a gesture; a symbolic action, a signal

  32. (soft mutation of)