
suomi-englanti sanakirja

fess englannista suomeksi

  1. hirsi

  1. hirsi

  2. Substantiivi

  3. Verbi

fess englanniksi

  1. To confess; to admit.

  2. A horizontal band across the middle of the shield.

  3. (cot)

  4. {{quote-book|en|year=1892|author=Arthur Conan Doyle|title=The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor|publisher=Norton|year_published=2005|page=294

  5. {{quote-text|en|year=2009|author=Hilary Mantel|title=Wolf Hall|page=420|publisher=Fourth Estate|year_published=2010

  6. Proud; conceited.

  7. (quote-book)

  8. Lively; active; strong.

  9. Of animals, bad-tempered, fierce.

  10. smart, stylish, chic

  11. (inflection of)

  12. bottom, buttock, arse

  13. (senseid) fez

  14. (senseid) F-flat