
suomi-englanti sanakirja

fag englannista suomeksi

  1. uupua

  2. raataa

  3. sätkä, rööki

  4. hinaaja

  5. toimia yläluokkalaisen "orjana"

  1. rööki

  2. hintti, hinttari, fägäri

  3. Substantiivi

fag englanniksi

  1. In textile inspections, a rough or coarse defect in the woven fabric.

  2. A cigarette.

  3. {{quote-journal|en|date=January 25 1968|url=http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=25wSAAAAIBAJ&sjid=NfcDAAAAIBAJ&dq=fag&pg=886%2C3714443|journal=The Bulletin|location=Oregon

  4. (quote-song)

  5. {{quote-text|en|year=2001|author=Oliver Sacks|title=Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood|Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood|publisher=Alfred A. Knopf|section=15

  6. {{quote-book|en|year=2011|author=Bill Marsh|title=Great Australian Shearing Stories|pageurl=http://books.google.com.au/books?id=oESItJKqXJkC&pg=PT18&dq=%22fag%22%7C%22fags%22+australia+-intitle:%22%22+-inauthor:%22%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=LG9LT9_BMoLvmAXCkeyyDg&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q&f=false|page=unnumbered

  7. The worst part or end of a thing.

  8. {{quote-book

  9. A chore: an arduous and tiresome task.

  10. (RQ:Austen Northanger Abbey)

  11. (senseid) A younger student acting as a servant for senior students.

  12. {{quote-book|en|year=1791|author=Richard Cumberland|title=The Observer|volume=4|pageurl=http://books.google.com.au/books?id=hGRchu2xroYC&pg=PA67|page=67

  13. (RQ:Thackeray Pendennis)

  14. (quote-book)

  15. (senseid) To make exhausted, tired out.

  16. To droop; to tire.

  17. (ante), G. Mackenzie, ''Lives'', quoted in 1829, "Fag", entry in ''The London Encyclopaedia: Or, Universal Dictionary'', Volume 9, page 12,

  18. Creighton with-held his force 'till the Italian began to ''fag'', and then brought him to the ground.
  19. (of a younger student) To act as a servant for senior students in many British schools.

  20. To have (a younger student) act as a servant in this way.

  21. {{quote-text|en|year=1887|author=Francis Bacon; Richard Whately|title=Essays|page=63

  22. To work hard, especially on menial chores.

  23. {{quote-book|en

  24. (RQ:Dickens David Copperfield)

  25. A homosexual man, especially an effeminate or unusual one.

  26. 1921 John Lind, ''The Female Impersonators'' (Historical Documentation of American Slang v. 1, A-G, edited by Jonathan E. Lighter (New York: Random House, 1994) page 716.

  27. Androgynes known as “fairies,” “fags,” or “brownies.”
  28. {{quote-journal

  29. An annoying person.

  30. ''Why did you do that, you fag?''

  31. beech

  32. subject (of study)

  33. trade, craft, profession

  34. bay (the distance between two vertical or horizontal supports in roofs and walls)

  35. subject (particular area of study)

  36. fog

  37. (RQ:jam:DJNT)

  38. subject (e.g., at school)

  39. profession, trade, discipline

  40. phage, bacteriophage (gl)

  41. (syn)

  42. beech (tree of genus ''Fagus'')

  43. honeycomb

  44. (soft mutation of)