
suomi-englanti sanakirja

encounter englannista suomeksi

  1. yhteenotto

  2. kohdata

  3. ottaa yhteen

  4. kohtaaminen

  1. Verbi

  2. kohdata

  3. ottaa yhteen

  4. Substantiivi

  5. kohtaaminen

  6. yhteenotto

encounter englanniksi

  1. To meet (someone) or find (something), especially unexpectedly.

  2. (synonyms)

  3. (RQ:Butler Hudibras)

  4. (quote-journal)

  5. To confront (someone or something) face to face.

  6. To engage in conflict, as with an enemy.

  7. ''Three armies encountered at Waterloo.''

  8. (RQ:Marlowe Tamburlaine)

  9. (RQ:Shakespeare Titus Andronicus)

  10. To execute someone extrajudicially.

  11. (quote-web)

  12. A meeting, especially one that is unplanned or unexpected.

  13. (ux)

  14. (RQ:Chambers Younger Set)

  15. {{quote-text|en|year=1995|author=Maija Kalin|title=Coping with problems of understanding: repair sequences in conversations between native and non-native speakers

  16. A hostile, often violent meeting; a confrontation, skirmish, or clash, as between combatants.

  17. A match between two opposing sides.

  18. (quote-journal) equalised and the outstanding (w) put Arsenal ahead for the first time before (w)'s spectacular strike set up the finale for an enthralling encounter.

  19. A sexual encounter; sexual activity, especially unplanned or unexpected, between people not in a sexual relationship, that usually does not lead to the establishment of a relationship, and may or may not happen again. A sexual encounter could be consensual or non-consensual; in the latter case, it is a assault. A consensual sexual encounter that happens only once is commonly known as a stand.

  20. (quote-journal) Juror, the Work Did Not End With the Trial |text=Though Mr. Cosby described the sexual encounter in 2004 as consensual, Ms. Constand said she was too intoxicated to physically or verbally resist.

  21. The period of a space mission during which it carries out its data-gathering objectives.

  22. An extrajudicial killing or execution.