
suomi-englanti sanakirja

drab englannista suomeksi

  1. ankea, ikävystyttävä, tylsä

  2. ikävä

  3. likaisenruskea

  1. ankea, tympeä

  2. lunttu, lutka

  3. lutka

  4. Substantiivi

drab englanniksi

  1. A fabric, usually of thick cotton or wool, having a dull brownish yellow, dull grey, or dun colour.

  2. (synonyms)

  3. (quote-book)

  4. The colour of this fabric.

  5. (color panel)

  6. (quote-journal)

  7. (quote-journal), by Orr's Circle of the SciencesWilliam S Orr & Co.|William Somerville Orr and Co.,(nb...)|date=17 February 1838|year_published=1839|volume=VII|issue=316|page=25|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=DVoyAQAAMAAJ&pg=RA1-PA25|column=2|oclc=4167154|passage=The carpet is a Brussels, of rather a small pattern, in various shades of greens and drabs.

  8. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans,(nb...)|year=1854|section=part I (The Art of Cleaning and Dyeing Silk)|page=78|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=1TNdAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA78|oclc=156146025|passage=Let your light drabs be next. Do not put anything in your liquor after your greys, except a pint of this ebony liquor; stir it up well, and handle in your silks for light drab for twenty minutes, and they are done; ... The next drab you dye in the vat is a dark stone drab.

  9. (RQ:Alcott Little Women)

  10. (RQ:Sandburg Smoke and Steel)

  11. ''Often in the (glossary) form'' (l): apparel, especially trousers, made from this fabric.

  12. (RQ:Henry Mackenzie Man of Feeling)|page=45|passage=He wore a pretty large wig, which had once been white, but was now of a browniſh yellow; his coat was one of thoſe modeſt-coloured drabs which mock the injuries of duſt and dirt; ...

  13. (quote-journal)&93; Publication Office, 19, City Hall Square|month=September|year=1860|volume=VII|issue=3|page=237|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=DXNHAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA237|column=1|oclc=18534370|passage=To please her he promised to lay aside the universal drabs for the wedding day and to case his extremities in modern black cloth continuations, with an express stipulation that the drabs should again be in active service on the subsequent morning.

  14. (quote-journal) was a Beaux Arts graduate, and through my mind there trooped a bizarre procession of girls who have studied one thing or another in Paris. They usually come home dressed in a color scheme of the impressionistic school, with their talent merely a by-product of a wonderful new set of mannerisms and a novel and fuzzy way of doing their hair. Yet here was a young woman dressed in drab and severely hair pinned.

  15. A dull or uninteresting appearance or situation, unremarkable.

  16. (RQ:Dickens Collins No Thoroughfare)

  17. Of the colour of some types of drabcloth: dull brownish yellow or dun.

  18. (RQ:Eliot Scenes of Clerical Life)

  19. ''Particularly of colour'': dull, uninteresting.

  20. (RQ:Sterne Sentimental Journey)

  21. (quote-journal); New York, N.Y.: Willmer and Rogers|month=December|year=1869|year_published=March 1870|volume=XXVIII|section=chapter XXXI|page=11|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=ukM8AQAAMAAJ&pg=PA11|oclc=177729571|passage=Year by year they will find her with even thinner hair, sharper shoulders, drabber cheeks; and he, looking upon her with the forgiveness of complete indifference, will say to himself, "She is bad, and she is ugly; I was well rid of her!"

  22. (quote-journal)&93;|magazine=Strand Magazine|The Strand Magazine: An Illustrated Monthly|location=London|publisher=George Newnes, Ltd.,(nb...)|month=April|year=1923|volume=LXV|page=345|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=qdwvAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA345|column=1|oclc=1006315258|passage=The more he basked in golden dreams the drabber seemed his humdrum life behind the bank counter.

  23. (quote-book)|year=1997|pages=59–60|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=KmhvBdWlWeUC&pg=PA60|isbn=978-0-87451-772-9|passage=And what if your daughter admires him even more / And comes to choose him for her life's companion, / Not the drab complainer she ended up with.

  24. (quote-web)'s drive was deflected on to a post and (w) twice went close.

  25. A dirty or untidy woman; a slattern.

  26. (RQ:Harvey Pierces Supererogation) in the art of raving, and inſtruct Tiſiphone herſelfe in her owne gnaſhing language. Other he, or ſhe, drabs of the curſteſt or vengeableſt rankes, are but dipped or dyed in the art; not ſuch a belldam in the whole kingdome of frogges, as thy croking, and moſt clamorous ſelfe.

  27. (RQ:Puritan)

  28. (quote-book)|chapter=Diharebion Cymraeg, VVedu ei Cysiethu yn Saisoneg = British, or Old Cambrian Proverbs, and Cymraecan Adages, Never Englished, (and Divers Never Published) before.(nb...)|title=Lexicon Tetraglotton, an English–French–Italian–Spanish Dictionary:(nb...)|location=Printed by John Grismond for Samuel Thomson(nb...)|year=1660|page=20|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=PCtWAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA41-IA19|oclc=223156151|passage=As ſtiff as a drabs diſtaff.

  29. (RQ:Eliot Middlemarch)

  30. (quote-book)|chapter=Father and Son|title=Gideon’s Week|location=London|publisher=Hodder & Stoughton|year=1956|page=154|oclc=1377060|newversion=republished in|title2=Gideon at Work: Three Complete Novels: Gideon’s Day, Gideon’s Week, Gideon’s Night|location2=New York, N.Y.|publisher2=(publisher)|Harper & Brothers, publishers|year2=1957|page2=250|pageurl2=https://archive.org/details/gideonatworkthre00marr/page/250/mode/1up|oclc2=1303091|passage=The doss house emptied during the day; from ten o'clock until five or six in the evening, there was no one there except Mulliver, a drab who did some of the cleaning for him, and occasional visitors.

  31. A promiscuous woman, a slut; a prostitute.

  32. (RQ:Tusser Good Husbandrie)

  33. (RQ:Shakespeare Troilus and Cressida)

  34. (quote-book)|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=1kZRAAAAcAAJ&pg=PP69|location=printed at London|publisher=(w) for Iohn Trundle|year=1611 December 27 (first performance)|year_published=1614|oclc=606495627|passage=Experience ſhewes, his Purſe ſhall ſoone grow light, / Whom Dice waſtes in the day, Drabs in the night: / Let all auoyde falſe Strumpets, Dice, and Drinke; / For hee that leaps in Mudde, ſhall quickly ſinke.

  35. (RQ:Pope Works), Dean of St. Paul’s. The Second Satire of Dr. John Donne.|volume=II|page=49|lines=63–64|passage=Curs'd be the Wretch! ſo venal and ſo vain; / Paltry and proud, as drabs in Drury-lane.

  36. (quote-book)|edition=new corrected|location=London|publisher=Printed for Messrs. Price ''et al.''|year=a. 1775|year_published=1785|page=10|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=XCQvAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA10|oclc=1016221269|passage=Where the Red Lion ſtaring o'er the way, / Invites each paſſing ſtranger that can pay; / Where ''Calvert''’s butt, and ''Parſon''’s black champaign, / Regale the drabs and bloods of Drury-lane; ...

  37. To consort with prostitutes; to whore.

  38. (RQ:Shakespeare Hamlet Q1-2)

  39. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=Printed for J. Pemberton(nb...), and J. Watts(nb...); and sold by J. Brotherton and W. Meadows(nb...); T. Jauncy and A. Dodd(nb...); W. Lewis(nb...), and J. Graves(nb...)|year=1720|section=act II, scene iii|page=24|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=I5gNAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA24|oclc=976800376|passage=Very fine! This ''Sempronius'' is a bleſſed Perſon indeed! he Games, he Cheats, he Swears, he Drinks, he Drabs; ...

  40. (RQ:Shaw Three Plays)'s unbeglamored drinking and drabbing is respectable and rightminded.

  41. (quote-book)|year=1907|pages=78–79|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/needlesandpins01mccagoog/page/n90/mode/1up|oclc=10478497|passage=He did not relish the apparition of that Katherine, for when it appeared it seemed to bring with it a brother shadow that wore ragged clothes and tangled hair and foul linen; that drank from any flagon and drabbed with any doxy; that slept in tavern angles through hours of drunkenness; a thing whose fingers pillaged, filched and pilfered when and where they could; a creature that once he saw whenever he stared into a mirror.

  42. A small amount, especially of money.

  43. (quote-book) In Nineteen Volumes|edition=new corrected and revised|location=London|publisher=Printed Nichols and Son for Johnson (publisher)|Joseph Johnson ''et al.''|year=a. 1746|year_published=1801|volume=VII|page=361|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/worksarrbythomas07swifuoft/page/361/mode/1up|oclc=6772664|passage=Thanks to my stars, I once can see / A window here from scribbling free! / Here no conceited coxcombs pass, / To scratch their paltry drabs on glass; / Nor party-fool is calling names, / Or dealing crowns to George and James.

  44. (quote-book)|edition=new|location=London|publisher=Printed for J. M. Cobbett,(nb...)|year=1823|section=paragraph 30|oclc=1015431964|passage=The tea drinking has done a great deal in bringing this nation into the state of misery in which it now is; and the tea drinking, which is carried on by "dribs" and "drabs;" by pence and farthings going out at a time; this miserable practice has been gradually introduced by the growing weight of the taxes on Malt and on Hops, and by the everlasting penury amongst the labourers, occasioned by the paper-money.

  45. A box used in a saltworks for holding the salt when taken out of the boiling pans.

  46. (quote-book); Millar|Andrew Millar,(nb...); and Dodsley|Robert Dodsley,(nb...)|year=1748|section=part II (The Art of Preparing White Salt: Appendix)|pages=166–168|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=p29DAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA168|oclc=753419711|passage=Thoſe therefore, who are moſt exact in pickling beef for exportation, ... take their carcaſſes as ſoon as cold, and cut them into proper pieces; and after rubbing each piece carefully with good white ſalt, lay them on heaps in a cool cellar, in a drab with a ſhelving bottom, where they remain for four or five days, 'till the blood hath drained out of the larger veſſels.

  47. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=Printed for the authors, and sold by J. Wilson & J. Fell,(nb...)|year=1765|volume=II|oclc=642390223|passage=When the ſalt is carried into the ſtore-houſe, it is put into drabs, which are partitions, like ſtalls for horſes, lined at three ſides, and the bottom with boards, and having a ſliding-board on the foreſide to draw up on occaſion. The bottoms are made ſhelving, being higheſt at the back, and gradually inclining forwards; by this means the brine, remaining among the ſalt, eaſily ſeparates and runs from it, and the ſalt in three or four days becomes ſufficiently dry; ...

  48. (quote-journal)|location=New Orleans, La.; Washington, D.C.|publisher=D. B. De Bow|month=August|year=1857|volume=III (New Series; volume XXIII overall)|page=135|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=XdMsAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA135|oclc=9332366|passage=The Liverpool salt is made from the impure article that is found in the mines of Cheshire, which is transported in vast quantities down the River Mersey, and is dissolved in seawater on the left bank at extensive manufactories opposite to Liverpool. This impure pickle is drawn from the tanks, in which it is dissolved, into large shallow pans, and by a rapid process of boiling it is crystalized—drawn from the pans—the salt placed in drabs or baskets to drain, ready for another charge within 24 hours, except on Sundays; the charge in the pans is allowed 48 hours to crystalize and be drawn.

  49. (senseid) An instance of a transgender or non-binary person presenting as the gender corresponding to their sex assigned at birth instead of that corresponding to their internal identity (for instance, a woman dressed as a man).

  50. (quote-web)

  51. homicide

  52. sediment, dregs

  53. goop, filth

  54. ladder

  55. (RQ:zlw-opl:BZ)

  56. (def-uncertain)

  57. ladder cart

  58. (RQ:zlw-opl:Sąd)

  59. large, imposing man

  60. footman, soldier, henchman, servant

  61. (syn)

  62. pawn

  63. medicine

  64. root