
suomi-englanti sanakirja

dense englannista suomeksi

  1. tiheä, tuuhea

  2. tiivis

  3. sakea, sankka

  4. typerä

  1. tiheä

  2. tiheä, tiivis, taaja, sankka

  3. tiheä, tiivis

  4. hämärä

  5. pimeä

  6. Substantiivi

  7. Verbi

dense englanniksi

  1. Having relatively high density.

  2. (syn)

  3. Compact; crowded together.

  4. (ant)

  5. Thick; difficult to penetrate.

  6. (RQ:Maxwell Mirror and the Lamp)

  7. Opaque; allowing little light to pass through.

  8. Obscure, or difficult to understand.

  9. Being a subset of a topological space that approximates the space well. See the Wikipedia article on (w)s for a mathematical definition.

  10. Slow to comprehend; of low intelligence.(anchor) (q)

  11. (quote-journal)

  12. A thicket.

  13. densely

  14. dense

  15. (adj form of)

  16. closely, in rapid succession

  17. (es-verb form of)