
suomi-englanti sanakirja

decimate englannista suomeksi

  1. teloittaa joka kymmenes

  2. harventaa

  1. Verbi

  2. desimoida

  3. hävittää, lähes tuhota">lähes tuhota

  4. alentaa resoluutiota">alentaa resoluutiota

  5. Substantiivi

decimate englanniksi

  1. To kill one-tenth of (a group), as a military punishment in the Roman army selected by lot, usually out|carried out by the surviving soldiers.

  2. (syn)

  3. (circa), Taylor|Jeremy Taylor, Vol. I:

  4. God sometimes decimates or tithes delinquent persons, and they died for a common crime, according as God hath cast their lot in the decrees of predestination.
  5. {{quote-text|en|year=1989|author=Basil Davidson|chapter=The Ancient World and Africa|title=Egypt Revisited|page=49

  6. {{quote-book|en|year=1998|author=Adrian Goldsworthy|title=The Roman Army at War|pageurl=|page=263

  7. {{quote-book|en|year=2007|author=Russell T. Davies|title=Doctor Who|chapter=The Sound of Drums

  8. To destroy or remove one-tenth of (something).

  9. {{quote-book|en|year=1840|author=P.J. Proudhon|title=What is Property?|pageurl=|page=164

  10. To devastate: to reduce or destroy significantly but not completely.

  11. {{quote-text|en|year=p. 1856|author=James Froude|title=History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the death of Elizabeth

  12. 1996, ''Star Trek: Voyager'' (TV series), ''Flashback'' (episode)

  13. Um, some sort of power overload. I'm afraid it decimated your breakfast.
  14. {{quote-book|en|year=2001|author=Otis C. Maloy; Timothy D. Murray; et al|title=Encyclopedia of Plant Pathology|volume=1|page=379

  15. (quote-video game)|location=Redwood City|publisher=Electronic Arts|year=2008|system=PC|scene=Citadel|genre=fiction|Science Fiction|isbn=9780784546642|oclc=246633669|passage=Captain Anderson: Commander Shepard did the right thing. We had to hold our fleet back to go after Sovereign. It was the only way. / Ambassador Udina: I agree, but this also presents us with an opportunity. The Council is dead. The galaxy is looking for leadership. / Ambassador Udina: The Citadel fleets were decimated in the attack. Their losses have made the Alliance stronger. If we step forward now, nobody will be able to stop us!

  16. {{quote-journal

  17. To exact a tithe or other 10% tax.

  18. (RQ:Dryden Wild Gallant)

  19. {{quote-book|en|year=1819|author=John Lingard|title=History of England|pageurl=|page=352

  20. To tithe: to pay a 10% tax.

  21. (RQ:Milton Hirelings)|footer=An adjective use.

  22. To divide into tenths; to decimalize.

  23. (quote-journal)

  24. To reduce to one-tenth: to destroy or remove nine-tenths of (something).

  25. {{quote-book|en|year=1998|editor=H. Wayne House|title=Israel, the Land and the People|pageurl=|page=63

  26. {{quote-book|en|year=2003|author=Susan S. Hunter|title=Black Death|pageurl=|page=58

  27. {{quote-book|en|year=2005|author=Wilma A. Dunaway|chapter=Put in Master’s Pocket|title=Appalachians and Race|pageurl=|page=116

  28. To replace (a high-resolution model) with another of lower but acceptable quality.

  29. 1999, Mihalisin & al., "Visualizing Multivariate Functions, Data and Distributions" in ''Readings in Information Visualization: Using Vision to Think'', page 122:

  30. A decimate tool allows us to obtain a more coarse-grained view of the data over the full (g)-dimensional space.
  31. {{quote-text|en|year=2001|title=Inside 3Ds Max 4|page=56

  32. {{quote-text|en|year=2004|author=Geremy Heitz; et al|chapter=Automatic Generation of Shape Models using Nonrigid Registration with a Single Segmented Template Mesh|title=Vision Modeling and Visualization 2004|page=74

  33. A tithe or other 10% tax or payment.

  34. A tenth of something.

  35. A set of ten items.

  36. (inflection of)

  37. (feminine plural of)