
suomi-englanti sanakirja

crime englannista suomeksi

  1. synti

  2. rikos

  1. Substantiivi

  2. rikos

  3. rikollisuus, rikos

  4. rikollisuus

  5. Verbi

crime englanniksi

  1. A specific act committed in violation of the law.

  2. Any great sin or wickedness; iniquity.

  3. (RQ:Pope Works)

  4. That which occasions crime.

  5. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene)

  6. Criminal acts collectively.

  7. (synonyms)

  8. The habit or practice of committing crimes.

  9. (ux)

  10. To subject to disciplinary punishment.

  11. {{quote-text|en|year=1846|author=John Mercier McMullen|title=Camp and Barrack-room, Or, The British Army as it is|page=298

  12. To commit crime.

  13. (quote-book)

  14. murder

  15. (l)

  16. a category of severe infractions within French law, comparable to a felony under United States laws. ''Crime'' are tied to the strongest of penalties,10 years and more according to law.

  17. ''Le meurtre, la trahison, ces sont les crimes punissable par la loi d'une peine lourde.''

  18. (tlb) (l)

  19. (syn)

  20. (alternative form of)

  21. (noun form of)