
suomi-englanti sanakirja

caricature englannista suomeksi

  1. pilapiirros, karikatyyri

  2. karrikoida

  1. Substantiivi

  2. pilakuva, karikatyyri

  3. irvikuva

  4. Verbi

caricature englanniksi

  1. A pictorial representation of someone in which distinguishing features are exaggerated for comic effect.

  2. {{quote-web

  3. (quote-journal)

  4. A grotesque misrepresentation.

  5. (RQ:Macaulay History of England)

  6. (RQ:Haggard She)

  7. In facial recognition systems, a face that has been modified to look less like the average face, and thus more distinctive.

  8. Having the characteristics of a caricature, grotesque.

  9. (RQ:Landon Ethel Churchill)

  10. To represent someone in an exaggerated or distorted manner.

  11. (RQ:Landon Francesca Carrara)

  12. caricature

  13. (monikko) it|caricatura

  14. (es-verb form of)