
suomi-englanti sanakirja

bomb englannista suomeksi

  1. pommi

  2. floppi

  3. reputtaa

  4. pommittaa

  5. pommikalorimetri

  1. Substantiivi

  2. pommi

  3. Verbi

  4. pommittaa

bomb englanniksi

  1. An explosive device used or intended as a weapon, one dropped from an aircraft.

  2. {{quote-book|en|year=2008|author=Sidney Gelb|title=Foreign Service Agent|pageurl=|page=629

  3. The bomb.

  4. (ux)

  5. Events or conditions that have a speedy destructive effect.

  6. {{quote-journal|en|date=2014-04-25|author=Martin Lukacs

  7. (quote-journal)

  8. A mortar shell.

  9. (quote-song)

  10. (ellipsis of)

  11. Any explosive charge.

  12. A failure; an unpopular commercial product.

  13. {{quote-book|en|year=1997|author=Eric L. Flom|title=Chaplin in the Sound Era: An Analysis of the Seven Talkies|pageurl=|page=277

  14. {{quote-book|en|year=2010|author=Tony Curtis; Peter Golenbock|title=American Prince: My Autobiography|pageurl=|page=unnumbered

  15. {{quote-book|en|year=2011|author=Elizabeth Barfoot Christian|title=Rock Brands: Selling Sound in a Media Saturated Culture|pageurl=|page=11

  16. A car in poor condition.

  17. (syn)

  18. {{quote-journal|en|date=August 6 2005|title=Warm affection for a rust-bucket past|journal=Sydney Morning Herald|url=

  19. {{quote-book|en|year=2010|author=Rebecca James|title=Beautiful Malice|pageurl=|page=19

  20. {{quote-book|en|year=2011|author=Amarinda Jones|title=Seducing Celestine|pageurl=|page=49

  21. A large amount of money.

  22. {{quote-book|en|year=2009|author=Matthew Vierling|title=The Blizzard|pageurl=|page=133

  23. {{quote-book|en|year=2010|author=Liz Young|title=Fair Game|pageurl=|page=136

  24. {{quote-book|en|year=2011|author=Michael R. Häack|title=Passport: A Novel of International Intrigue|pageurl=|page=47

  25. 2011, Bibe, ''A Victim'', cost+a+bomb%22+-intitle:%22%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=4MH9TqmICbGaiAfXpcDVAQ&ved=0CE0Q6AEwBjgKv=onepage&q=%22spent|cost%20a%20bomb%22%20-intitle%3A%22%22&f=false page 38,

  26. He had recently exchanged his old bike for a new, three speed racer, which cost a bomb and the weekly payment were becoming difficult, with the dangers of repossession.
  27. Something highly effective or attractive.

  28. A success; bomb.

  29. A very attractive woman.

  30. (senseid) An action or statement that causes a strong reaction.

  31. An obscene word identified by its first letter.

  32. A long pass.

  33. A high kick that sends the ball relatively straight up so players can get under it before it comes down.

  34. A throw into the basket from a considerable distance.

  35. {{quote-text|en|year=2013|author=Brett L. Abrams; Raphael Mazzone|title=The Bullets, the Wizards, and Washington, DC, Basketball|page=163

  36. A cyclone whose central pressure drops at an average rate of at least one millibar per hour for at least 24 hours.

  37. {{quote-journal

  38. A heavy-walled container designed to permit chemical reactions under high pressure.

  39. {{quote-book|en|year=2008|author=François Cardarelli|title=Materials Handbook: A Concise Desktop Reference|pageurl=|page=276

  40. A great booming noise; a hollow sound.

  41. (RQ:Bacon Sylva Sylvarum) Which if you had ſtrucke (..) it would make a great Bombe in the ''Chamber'' beneath.

  42. A woman’s breast.

  43. A professional wrestling throw in which an opponent is lifted and then slammed back-first down to the mat.

  44. A drug ground up, wrapped, and swallowed.

  45. An act of jumping into water while keeping one's arms and legs tucked into the body, as in a squatting position, to maximize splashing.

  46. (quote-book)|title=Alan Partridge: Nomad|page=45

  47. To attack using one or more bombs; to bombard.

  48. 2000, Canadian Peace Research Institute, Canadian Peace Research and Education Association, ''Peace Research'', Volumes 32-33, %22bombed%22+-intitle:%22bombing|bombed%22&dq=%22bombing%22|%22bombed%22+-intitle:%22bombing|bombed%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=89H9TpLeI8eUiAfyq8W7AQ&redir_esc=y page 65,

  49. 15 May: US jets bombed air-defence sites north of Mosul, as the Russian Foreign Ministry accused the US and Britain of intentionally bombing civilian targets. (AP)
  50. {{quote-book|en|year=2005|author=Howard Zinn|title=A People's History of the United States: 1492-Present|pageurl=|page=421

  51. {{quote-book|en|year=2007|author=David Parker|title=Hertfordshire Children in War and Peace, 1914-1939|pageurl=|page=59

  52. To attack or annoy in the manner of a bombing.

  53. (quote-web)

  54. To jump into water in a squatting position, with the arms wrapped around the legs, in order to maximise the resulting splash.

  55. To add an excessive amount of chlorine to a pool when it has not been maintained properly.

  56. To move at high speed.

  57. To make oneself drunk.

  58. (quote-book)

  59. 1995, ''Four Rooms'' (film)

  60. TED: The champagne you ordered, sir.MAN: No time for this. Leave it on ice.WIFE: But I want some now...MAN: There'll be plenty for you at the party, baby, you can bomb yourself all you want at the party.
  61. To cover an area in many graffiti tags.

  62. To fail dismally.

  63. {{quote-journal|en|year=1992|month=June|author=Lynn Norment|title=Arsenio Hall: Claiming the Late-night Crown|journal=(magazine)|Ebony|pageurl=|page=74

  64. 2000, Carmen Infantino, Jon B. Cooke (interviewer), ''The Carmen Infantino Interview'', in Jon B. Cooke, Neal Adams, ''Comic Book Artist Collection'', it+bombed%22+-intitle:%22bombing|bombed%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=v9b9Tsz_MM-QiQeBz5CADw&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q=%22he|it%20bombed%22%20-intitle%3A%22bombing|bombed%22&f=false page 12,

  65. Carmen:(..) Then it bombed and it bombed badly. After a few more issues I asked Mike what was happening and he said, “I′m trying everything I can but it′s just not working.” So I took him off the book and he left. That was it.
  66. {{quote-book|en|year=2008|author=Erik Sternberger|title=The Long and Winding Road|pageurl=|page=62

  67. To crash.

  68. {{quote-text|en|year=2001|author=Janet Holm McHenry|title=Girlfriend Gatherings: Creative Ways to Stay Connected|page=28

  69. To make a smelly mess in (a toilet).

  70. To sound; to boom; to make a humming or buzzing sound.

  71. {{quote-text|en|year=1625|author=Ben Jonson|title=The Fortunate Isles and Their Union

  72. (syn of)

  73. Great, awesome.

  74. (inflection of)

  75. a (l)