
suomi-englanti sanakirja

blaze englannista suomeksi

  1. tulipalo, roihu, tuhoisa tulipalo

  2. hehkua, loistaa

  3. tuli, helvetti

  4. pilkka, otsatäplä, laukki, rasti

  5. syöksyä

  6. olla uranuurtaja, viitoittaa tietä, raivata

  7. roihuta

  8. ampua, tulittaa

  9. häiriköinti

  10. loisto

  1. roihu, loimu

  2. paahde

  3. liekkikuvio

  4. roihuta, palaa

  5. hehkua, loistaa

  6. hehkua

  7. sytyttää, polttaa

  8. hehkuttaa

  9. merkitä

  10. merkitä to mark; raivata to cut

  11. raivata, olla edelläkävijä">olla edelläkävijä

  12. raivota

  13. pössyttää

  14. Verbi

  15. Substantiivi

blaze englanniksi

  1. A fire, especially a fast-burning fire producing a lot of flames and light.

  2. (RQ:Chambers Younger Set).

  3. Intense, direct light accompanied with heat.

  4. (ux)

  5. (RQ:Milton Paradise Regained)

  6. The white or lighter-coloured markings on a horse's face.

  7. A high-visibility orange colour, typically used in warning signs and hunters' clothing.

  8. (color panel)


  9. A bursting out, or active display of any quality.

  10. (RQ:Shakespeare Troilus and Cressida)

  11. A spot made on trees by chipping off a piece of the bark, usually as a surveyor's mark.

  12. (quote-book)

  13. A hand consisting of five cards.

  14. To be on fire, especially producing bright flames.

  15. To send forth or reflect a bright light; shine like a flame.

  16. {{quote-text|en|year=1793|author=William Wordsworth|title=Descriptive Sketches

  17. (RQ:Lincoln Pratt's Patients). It twisted and turned,(..)and opened out into a big clear space like a lawn. And, back of the lawn, was a big, old-fashioned house, with piazzas stretching in front of it, and all blazing with lights.

  18. To be conspicuous; shine brightly a brilliancy (q).

  19. To set in a blaze; burn.

  20. To cause to shine forth; exhibit vividly; be resplendent with.

  21. To mark with a white spot on the face (q).

  22. To set a mark on (q).

  23. (RQ:Doyle Lost World)

  24. To indicate or mark out (q) by a series of blazes.

  25. To set a precedent for the on|taking-on of a challenge; by example.

  26. To be furiously angry; to speak or write in a rage.

  27. {{quote-text|en|year=1929|author=Reginald Charles Barker|title=The Hair-trigger Brand|page=160

  28. To smoke marijuana.

  29. (quote-song)

  30. (quote-song)|artist=Jme|title=Pulse 8|album=(w)|track=1|passage=Fam, I don't blaze / But I can bill up, so if I get bored / I might mm, bill it / At studio, I'm like mm, kill it

  31. To blow, as from a trumpet.

  32. To publish; announce publicly.

  33. To disclose; bewray; defame.

  34. To blazon.

  35. {{quote-book|en|year=1576|author=Gerard LEGH|title=The Accedens of Armory. With an address to the Reader by R. Argoll. Woodcuts. MS. notes|page=28

  36. {{quote-book|en|year=1597|author=John Bossewell|title=Works of Armorie: devided into 3 Bookes, intituled the Concordes of Armorie, the Armorie of Honor and of lotes and creastes|page=28

  37. {{quote-book|en|year=1877|author=Henry Sydney Grazebrook|title=Collections for a genealogy of the noble families of Henzey, Tyttery, and Tyzack|page=26

  38. Publication; the act of spreading widely by report.

  39. blissfully, happily

  40. (infl of)

  41. to blow

  42. faggot