
suomi-englanti sanakirja

bato englanniksi

  1. stone

  2. kidney

  3. boat

  4. water

  5. (syn)

  6. (quote-book)

  7. rock; stone

  8. ball

  9. father

  10. (ca-verb form of)

  11. stone; pebble, rock, or boulder

  12. gem

  13. stone

  14. gallstone

  15. piece in chess, checkers, (m) or similar games

  16. token

  17. flint of a lighter

  18. to harden into stone

  19. to stand motionless

  20. to put stones into jewelry

  21. to use something as a sinker

  22. to strike the flint of a lighter

  23. to stone

  24. to line with stones

  25. to hurl an object at someone or something

  26. to out a question

  27. to embroil; to cause to be involved

  28. concrete (gl)

  29. stonehard

  30. rocklike; stonelike

  31. to borrow money

  32. to buy something for credit

  33. blow, hit, strike, stroke (physical attack, punch)

  34. (gl-verb form of)

  35. ship

  36. boat, ship

  37. stone, rock

  38. rock, stone, cobble

  39. a complete thing, the whole

  40. a piece of anything that is round or cubic in shape

  41. to resist or oppose

  42. to rise up

  43. to backtalk

  44. beating

  45. bath (gloss)

  46. rock; stone

  47. to yawn

  48. to gape open

  49. (inflection of)

  50. (monikko) ln|moto

  51. stone; rock

  52. chips

  53. (pt-verb form of)

  54. dork, dimwit

  55. man, youth

  56. chump, punk

  57. dude, guy, buddy

  58. father

  59. (es-verb form of)

  60. gallstone

  61. gem; jewel

  62. knot in wood

  63. act of throwing something

  64. bored person

  65. methamphetamine

  66. chief piece in a game of native quoits called (m)

  67. stingy; miserly

  68. stubborn; unyielding

  69. numb

  70. bored

  71. only, exclusively

  72. (uxi)

  73. just, merely