
suomi-englanti sanakirja

banker englannista suomeksi

  1. pankkiiri

  2. pelinhoitaja

  1. pankkiiri

  2. rahanvaihtaja

  3. pelinhoitaja, pankki

  4. työntöveturi

  5. Substantiivi

  6. Verbi

banker englanniksi

  1. One who conducts the business of banking; one who, individually, or as a member of a company, keeps an establishment for the deposit or loan of money, or for traffic in money, bills of exchange, etc.

  2. (RQ:Dickens Little Dorrit)

  3. The dealer in a casino, or one who keeps the bank in a game.

  4. A changer.

  5. The stone bench on which a mason cuts or squares his work.1849-1850, (w), ''Rudimentary Dictionary of Terms used in Architecture, Building, and Engineering''

  6. A type of envelope with a diamond shape or V-flap that opens on the long edge.

  7. (syn)

  8. A vessel employed in the cod fishery on the banks of Newfoundland.

  9. May 20 1815, (w), ''letter to a merchant''

  10. I think the 584 Bankers may be put down 36,540 tons, navigated by 4,627 men and boys
  11. A ditcher; a drain digger.

  12. {{quote-book|en|year=1941|author=Ernestine Hill|title=My Love Must Wait|publisher=A&R Classics|year_published=2013|page=6

  13. A banksman.

  14. A railway locomotive that can be attached to the rear of a train to assist it in climbing an incline.

  15. (quote-journal)

  16. (inflection of)

  17. (infl of)

  18. banker

  19. a beater (q)

  20. (inflection of).

  21. (noun form of)

  22. (l)

  23. rich person