
suomi-englanti sanakirja

astonishment englannista suomeksi

  1. ihmetys, hämmästys

  1. Substantiivi

  2. hämmästys, hämmästyminen, kummastus, kummastuminen

  3. kummallisuus

astonishment englanniksi

  1. The feeling or experience of being astonished; great surprise.

  2. (syn)


  3. 1630, (w), “On ''Shakespear''” in ''Poems of Mr. John Milton,'' London: Ruth Raworth, 1645 p.(nbs)27,

  4. Thou in our wonder and astonishment
    Hast built thy self a live-long Monument.
  5. (RQ:Swift Gulliver's Travels) he dismissed all his Attendants with a turn of his Finger; at which, to my great astonishment, they vanished in an Instant, like Visions in a Dream, when we awake on a sudden.

  6. (RQ:Austen Sense and Sensibility)

  7. {{quote-book|en|year=1908|author=Lucy Maud Montgomery|title=Anne of Green Gables|location=Boston|publisher=L.C. Page|chapter=3|page=41|url=

  8. {{quote-book|en|year=2004|author=Andrea Levy|title=Small Island|location=London|publisher=Review|chapter=33|page=330|url=

  9. Something very surprising.

  10. (syn) (qualifier)

  11. {{quote-text|en|year=1905|author=Edith Wharton|title=The House of Mirth|location=New York|publisher=Scribner|section=Book 2, Chapter 9, p. 444|url=

  12. {{quote-book|en|year=1964|author=Roald Dahl|title=Charlie and the Chocolate Factory|publisher=Puffin|year_published=1998|chapter=18|page=83|pageurl=

  13. Loss of physical sensation; inability to move a part of the body.

  14. (quote-text)|title=The Method of Phisicke|location=London|publisher=Thomas Vautroullier|section=Book 3, Chapter 37, p. 126|url=

  15. (RQ:Pliny Holland Historie of the World) whosoever maketh water in the same place where a dog hath newly pissed, so as both vrines be mingled together, shall immediatly find a coldnesse and astonishment in his loines,

  16. Loss of mental faculties, inability to think or use one's senses.

  17. (RQ:KJV)

  18. {{quote-book|en|year=1678|author=Aphra Behn|title=The Lives of Sundry Notorious Villains|location=London|publisher=for the author|chapter=2|page=30|url=

  19. Loss of composure or of mind.

  20. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene) where of his cruell rageNigh dead with feare, and faint astonishment,Shee found them both in darkesome corner pent;

  21. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=Andrew Crooke|chapter=46|page=374|url=