
suomi-englanti sanakirja

assimilate englannista suomeksi

  1. yhdistyä

  2. yhdistää

  3. sulauttaa, sopeuttaa, yhtäläistää, mukauttaa

  4. mukautua, sulautua, sopeutua

  5. omaksua, sisäistää

  1. Verbi

  2. imeytyä

  3. omaksua, sisäistää

  4. sulauttaa

  5. rinnastaa

  6. Substantiivi

assimilate englanniksi

  1. To incorporate nutrients into the body, especially after digestion.

  2. (ux)

  3. {{RQ:Newton Opticks

  4. (quote-book)

  5. To incorporate or absorb (knowledge) into the mind.

  6. {{quote-text|en|year=1850|author=Charles Merivale|title=History of the Romans Under the Empire

  7. (quote-journal)

  8. To absorb (a person or people) into a community or culture.

  9. To liken, compare to something similar.

  10. To bring to a likeness or to conformity; to cause a resemblance between.

  11. March 13, 1866, (w), ''The reform bill on the motion for leave to bring in the bill''

  12. to assimilate our law in respect to the law of Scotland
  13. {{RQ:Cowper Task

  14. (RQ:Hale Contemplations)

  15. To become similar.

  16. To be incorporated or absorbed into something.

  17. Something that is or has been assimilated.

  18. {{quote-book|en|year=2012|author=A. Läuchli; R.L. Bieleski|title=Inorganic Plant Nutrition|isbn=3642688853|page=83

  19. (ia-form of)

  20. (inflection of)