
suomi-englanti sanakirja

ascertain englannista suomeksi

  1. vahvistaa

  2. varmistaa

  3. osoittaa todeksi

  1. Verbi

  2. saada selville, varmistaa, selvittää

ascertain englanniksi

  1. To out definitely; to discover or establish.

  2. (syn)


  3. (RQ:Orczy Miss Elliott) was subsequently found under the cushions of the hansom.(..)

  4. (quote-song)

  5. (quote-journal) On the 18th of October, 1841, a very intense magnetic disturbance was recorded, and amongst other curious facts mentioned is that of the detention of the 10:05pm express train at Exeter for 16 minutes, as from the magnetic disturbance affecting the needles so powerfully, it was impossible to ascertain if the line was clear at Starcross. The superintendent at Exeter reported the next morning that someone was playing tricks with the instruments, and would not let them work."

  6. To make (someone) certain or confident about something; to inform.

  7. (quote-book)|title=Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England|volume=IV|year_published=1835|page=352c|pageurl=|passage=Therfore the saide cõmissioners shall mowe say that nowe late during the parlement the King ascertaigned of the saide maliciouse prpose of his enemys, willed and desired the lords being then present to shewe their̃ good willes aide and helpe for the saide rescues(..)

  8. (quote-book) praying you to ascertain us of your News.

  9. (quote-book)

  10. To establish, to prove.

  11. (quote-book)’s (w)|volume_plain=volume II, book XI|page=274 (footnote)|pageurl=|passage=The two firſt lines of the following book ſeem to aſcertain the true meaning of the concluſion of this, and to prove ſufficiently that by Ωκεανός here, Homer could not poſſibly intend any other than a river.

  12. (quote-book)&93; was chosen to represent the borough of Saltash in parliament ; a circumstance which ascertains the piece before us to have been written subsequent to that period.

  13. To ensure or effect.

  14. (quote-journal)

  15. (quote-book)|chapter=Administration|title=St. Ronan's Well|location=Boston|publisher=Samuel H. Parker|page=29|pageurl=|passage=On the contrary, the Squire’s influence as a man of family and property, in the immediate neighbourhood, who actually kept greyhounds, and at least talked of hunters and races, ascertained him the support of the whole class of bucks, half and whole bred, from the three next counties ; and if more inducements were wanting, he could grant his favourites the privilege of shooting over his moors, which is enough to turn the head of a young Scotchman at any time.