
suomi-englanti sanakirja

ante englannista suomeksi

  1. maksaa alkupanos, panna pöytään avauspanokseksi

  2. avauspanos, aloituspanos, alkupanos

  1. Substantiivi

  2. panos

  3. alkupanos, aloituspanos, avauspanos

  4. Verbi

  5. maksaa alkupanos">maksaa alkupanos

ante englanniksi

  1. A price or cost, as in the ante.

  2. (quote-book)

  3. (quote-web)

  4. In poker and other games, the contribution made by all players to the pot before dealing the cards.

  5. To pay the ante in poker. Often used as ''ante up''.

  6. To make an investment in money, effort, or time before knowing one's chances.

  7. to cure

  8. before, front of

  9. (syn)

  10. sorrow

  11. (uxi)


  12. (l), corner pilaster

  13. and (from English)

  14. anta

  15. elk (qualifier), moose (qualifier) ((taxfmt))

  16. before (gloss)

  17. (ant)

  18. ago

  19. afore, ere; before, earlier

  20. {{quote-text|it|year=1374|author=Francesco Petrarca|chapter=Anima, che diverse cose tante|title=Il Canzoniere|publisher=Andrea Bettini|year_published=1858|section=p.220

  21. than, instead (of)

  22. c. 1362, Buccio di Ranallo, ''Cronaca aquilana rimata'', Forzani (1907), p. 171, “Anima, che diverse cose tante”:

  23. (quote)
  24. (monikko) it|anta

  25. (ng) before

  26. (ng) in front, before, forwards

  27. before, the presence of, in the sight of

  28. (Q)

  29. (ng) before

  30. (coi)

  31. (ng) before, more than

  32. before, in front, forwards (q)

  33. before, previously (q)

  34. ante diem V

    4th day before ("fifth" counting|counting inclusively)

  35. (alternative form of)

  36. (alt form)

  37. auntie; aunt

  38. (inflection of)

  39. (infl of)

  40. front of (gloss)

  41. (obsolete form of)

  42. front of, before

  43. against, compared to

  44. elk

  45. suede

  46. tapir (gloss)

  47. (infl of)