
suomi-englanti sanakirja

aa englannista suomeksi

  1. lohkarelaava

  1. laava">aa-laava

  2. Verbi

  3. Substantiivi

aa englanniksi

  1. AA

  1. (ISO 639)

  2. A form of lava flow associated with Hawaiian-type volcanoes, consisting of basaltic rock, usually dark-colored with a jagged and loose, clinkery surface. Compare (m). (defdate)

  3. {{quote-journal|en|year=1859|author=R. C. Haskell|journal=American journal of science and arts|section=series XXVIII

  4. (quote-book)

  5. {{quote-text|en|year=1981|title=Hilo Lava Flood Control: Environmental Impact Statement|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=gOQ0AQAAMAAJ&pg=PA194&dq=aa+lavav=onepage&q=aa%20lava&f=false|page=194

  6. (initialism of)

  7. (initialism of)

  8. (abbreviation of)

  9. come

  10. also; too; well; either; neither (gloss)

  11. (uxi)

  12. (ngd)

  13. (ngd): really, actually, indeed, fact, exactly ''(always unstressed)''

  14. (ngd): really, actually, indeed, fact

  15. (n-g) ''(often with (m))'' ''(always stressed)''

  16. (ngd): even ''(always stressed)''

  17. (syn)

  18. (ngd) really ''(always unstressed)''

  19. (ngd) ''(always unstressed)''

  20. ((n-g)): even ''(always stressed)''

  21. (n-g) ever ''(always unstressed)''

  22. to open

  23. to be open

  24. to open mouth

  25. (alternative spelling of)

  26. a, an

  27. An interjection expressing recognition -

  28. (ux)

  29. An interjection expressing understanding -

  30. (Latn-def)

  31. oh, ah (gloss)

  32. the surface of an aa lava flow

  33. yes, I know

  34. I agree: (n-g)

  35. (n-g)

  36. (l) (gloss)

  37. (ja-romanization of)

  38. farmyard

  39. floor

  40. yeah, uh-huh (gloss)

  41. no, not, without

  42. (comparative of)

  43. here

  44. (alternative form of) (gloss).

  45. up, above

  46. (obsolete spelling of)

  47. (obsolete typography of)

  48. (contraction of)

  49. (roa-opt-cite-cantigas)

  50. Como hũa moller q̇ iogaua os dados en pulla lançou hũa pedra aa omagen de ſṫa maṙia poꝛ q̇ perdera ⁊ parou un angeo de pedra que y eſtaua a mão ⁊ reçibiu o colpe.
    : How a woman who was playing the dices in Apulia threw a stone at the statue of Holy Mary because she had lost, and an angel of stone which was there reached out its hand and received the blow.
  51. wing

  52. (quote)
  53. also

  54. {{quote-book|pdc|year=1908|author=Astor C. Wuchter|title=A Pennsylvania German Anthology|editor=Earl C. Haag|chapter=Die Mudderschprooch|page=56|pageurl=http://books.google.com/books?id=UAuw2OmZBUMC&pg=PA56

  55. on

  56. to

  57. (alt form)

  58. mould, mildew

  59. older brother

  60. dirty things; filth (gloss)

  61. (n-g)|tr=-, corresponding to "a"

  62. yep, yeah

  63. aha, uh-huh