
suomi-englanti sanakirja

Tatar englannista suomeksi

  1. tataari

  2. tataarin kieli

  1. tataari, tataarin kieli">tataarin kieli

  2. tataari

  3. tataarilainen

  4. Substantiivi

Tatar englanniksi

  1. China fleece vine, Russian vine, silver lace vine

  2. knotgrass

  1. An agglutinative language belonging to the Altai group of (w). It is an official language of Tatarstan. There are some eight million speakers spread across Europe, Russia and Asia.

  2. Tartary.

  3. (quote-book)|tlr=(w)|title=Tales translated from the Persian of Inatulla of Delhi|volume=I|publisher=P. and W. Wilson et al.|location=Dublin|page=iv|text=Sweeter than the muſk of Tatar, the morning breeze from the navel of every flower raviſhed perfume.

  4. A person belonging to one of several Turkic, Tatar-speaking ethnic groups in Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia.

  5. (syn)

  6. Of or relating to the people or culture of Tatars.

  7. (ux)

  8. (surname).

  9. (l), Tartar (gl)

  10. (l) (gl)

  11. (l) (gl) (q)

  12. inhabitant of Tatarstan

  13. (surname)

  14. (l) (person)

  15. (given name)