suomi-englanti sanakirja

SI englannista suomeksi

  1. SI

  1. Substantiivi

SI englanniksi

  1. Si

  2. si, te, ti

  1. ''Système International d'Unités'' or the System of Units, commonly known as the metric system.

  2. ''see Appendix on SI Units''

  3. (ISO 3166)

  4. (syn)

  5. (initialism of)

  6. System of Units

  7. (initialism of)

  8. (initialism of) (of the author into fiction)

  9. (quote-book)

  10. (initialism of) (of police, etc)

  11. ''India's first transgender SI''


  12. (abbreviation of) (qualifier) (gloss)

  13. (syn of); the (l)

  14. (abbreviation of) SI

  15. (abbreviation of) (Mexican state)