suomi-englanti sanakirja

NCO englanniksi

  1. (initialism of)

  2. (init of)

  3. {{quote-book|en|year=1989|translator=Willetts|H. T. Willetts|author=Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn|title=1914 (novel)|August 1914|page=109|publisher=Farrar, Straus and Giroux|isbn=0-374-51999-4

  4. (quote-journal)|url=|passage=For Sgt Kudrya, an NCO who has found himself commanding a company because of a lack of officers, this low-level war means a constant struggle with the elements, paper work (he is under constant pressure from above to account for each litre of petrol and round of ammunition), and the erosion of discipline born of boredom.