
suomi-englanti sanakirja

-us englanniksi

  1. (n-g)

  2. (n-g) in verbs.

  3. (non-gloss definition)

  4. armastama "to love" → armastus "love"

    võistlema "to compete" → võistlus "competition"

    joonistama "to draw" → joonistus "a drawing"

    aus "honest" → ausus "honesty"

    pikk "long" → pikkus "length"


  5. (non-gloss definition), used where the stem of the root adjective ends in a vowel.

  6. (ngd)

  7. (m)(m)

  8. (ngd)

  9. (m)

  10. (n-g)

  11. (suffixusex)

  12. (alternative form of)

  13. (ng)

  14. (inflection of)

  15. (inflection of) (ng)

  16. (m); (m); (m)

  17. (a) (ng).

  18. (inflection of)

  19. (inflection of) (non-gloss)

  20. (non-gloss definition) and (glossary) (glossary) to denote a disposal or tendency towards something

  21. (non-gloss definition) (glossary) ending for u-stem nouns and adjectives.

  22. (m) (< (w) (m))


    (m) → ''past frequentative'' (m)(m)

  23. (n-g); -ion

  24. (alt form)

  25. -ous, full of, prone to; (non-gloss definition)

  26. -ous, used for forming adjectives

  27. her (gloss), it (q)

  28. them

  29. (l), (non-gloss definition). For example (l) has fewer oxygen atoms per molecule than (l).