


  1. ekstaasi, hurmostila, voimakas mielihyvän tunne

  2. ekstaasi (huumeena myytävä metyleenidioksimetamfetamiini)



  1. essu, ekstaasi, XTC, esso, eemeli, eve, X, metyleenidioksimetamfetamiini, MDMA, tunnetila, mielentila, tuuli, hurmio, haltiotila, mielenylennys, hurmos, autuus, onni, seitsemäs taivas, haltioitunut, hurmioitunut, taivaissa.

Lisää synonyymejää




hurmos intense Intense pleasure.
c. 1599, (w), (w), Act II, Scene 1,

This is the very ecstasy of love, / Whose violent property fordoes itself / And leads the will to desperate undertakings / As oft as any passion under heaven / That does afflict our natures.
1634, (w), w:Comus (John Milton)|Comus, lines 623-5,
He loved me well, and oft would beg me sing; / Which when I did, he on the tender grass / Would sit, and hearken even to ecstasy,
A state of emotion so intense that a person is carried beyond rational thought and self-control.
1938, (w), (w), Chapter 14,
They were thrown into ecstasies of suspicion by finding that we possessed a French translation of Hitler's Mein Kampf.
A trance, frenzy, or rapture associated with mystic or prophetic exaltation.
1692, (w), Cleomenes, Act IV, Scene I,
What! are you dreaming, Son! with Eyes cast upwards / Like a mad Prophet in an Ecstasy?
puhekieltä Violent emotion or distraction of mind; excessive grief from anxiety; insanity; madness.
c. 1590, (w), (w), Act I,
Come, let us leave him; in his ireful mood / Our words will but increase his ecstasy.
c. 1599, (w), (w), Act III, Scene 1,
And I, of ladies most deject and wretched, / That suck'd the honey of his music vows, / Now see that noble and most sovereign reason, / Like sweet bells jangled, out of tune and harsh; / That unmatch'd form and feature of blown youth / Blasted with ecstasy.
puhekieltä The drug MDMA, a synthetic entactogen of the methylenedioxyphenethylamine family, especially in a tablet form.
puhekieltä A state in which sensibility, voluntary motion, and (largely) mental power are suspended; the body is erect and inflexible; but the pulse and breathing are not affected.


(l) (gloss)


ecstasy rimmaa näiden kanssa:

kesy, ärjäisy, ehkäisy, ennaltaehkäisy, jälkiehkäisy, ennakkoehkäisy, nyyhkäisy, pyyhkäisy, ähkäisy, röhkäisy

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