


  1. syödä

Esimerkkejä eat sanan käytöstä:

Do you watch what you 'eat'?

:Tarkkailetko syömistäsi?



  1. vahingoittaa, vaurioittaa, syöpyä, ruostua, kulua, syövyttää, kuluttaa, ruostuttaa, juoda, syödä, nauttia, niellä, käyttää, olla.

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kiusata To ingest; to be ingested.
puhekieltä To consume (something solid or semi-solid, usually food) by putting it into the mouth and swallowing it.


(RQ:WBsnt IvryGt)
At twilight in the summer there is never anybody to fear—man, woman, or cat—in the chambers and at that hour the mice come out. They do not eat parchment or foolscap or red tape, but they eat the luncheon crumbs.
(senseid)puhekieltä To consume a meal.
puhekieltä To be eaten.
To use up.
puhekieltä To destroy, consume, or use up.
(w) (1811-1863)
His wretched estate is eaten up with mortgages.
puhekieltä To damage, destroy, or fail to eject a removable part or an inserted object.
(w) in the movie (w)
No! There's a problem with the cassette player. Don't press fast forward or it eats the tape!
puhekieltä To consume money or (other instruents of value, such as a token) deposited or inserted by a user, while failing to either provide the intended product or service, or return the payment.
From the movie (w)
Hey! This stupid soda vending machine ate my quarter.
puhekieltä To cause (someone) to worry.
puhekieltä To take the loss in a transaction.
I have to have him in court tomorrow, if he doesn't show up, I forfeit the bond and I have to eat the $300,000.
puhekieltä To corrode or erode.
puhekieltä To perform oral sex on someone.


eat rimmaa näiden kanssa:

beat, pöytähopeat, perintöhopeat

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