

  1. arkikieltä esittely, demonstraatio

  2. yliopistokursseihin liittyvä käytännön harjoitus, jossa opiskelijoiden tulee esittää omaa osaamistaan

  3. artistin tai yhtyeen musiikkikappaleen näyteversio, hahmotelma tai promootiotarkoituksiin tehty tallenne

  4. (tietotekniikka) esittelyversio tietokoneohjelmasta

  5. (tietotekniikka) tietokoneen grafiikka- ja ääniominaisuuksia ja ohjelmoijan taitoa esittelevä lyhyt ohjelma

  6. (lyhentymä) mielenosoitus

Katso myös: demonstraatio, stakeholder



  1. havaintoesitys, demonstraatio, demonstrointi, havainnollistus, havainnollistaminen.

Lisää synonyymejää




esitellä A demonstration or visual explanation.
A recording of a song meant to demonstrate its overall sound for the purpose of getting it published or recorded more fully.

After hearing the demo the record label approved funding to record the song with a full band.

an example of a product used for demonstration and then sold at a discount
a march or gathering to make a political protest
puhekieltä An edition of limited functionality to give the user an example of how the program works.
puhekieltä a non-interactive audiovisual computer program developed by enthusiasts to demonstrate the capabilities of the machine. See (m).
1996, "John Bus", Amiga Domain - An Aussie Scene Party! (on newsgroup alt.sys.amiga.demos)
This party will have it all for the Amiga scener: demos, competitions, dealers, and huge projection screen and sound system to entertain you.
2007, Game Face (issues 21-25)
Though the idea of procedural textures has been around for years, they have primarily been exploited by the demo scene, made famous by impressive demos like kkrieger, and haven't hit it big in the game industry yet(..)
2008, Tamás Polgár, Freax: the brief history of the demoscene: Volume 1
A very successful PC demo from 1993, Second Reality from Future Crew(..)
democrat Democrat.
demographicNoun Demographic.
demolition Demolition.
To record a demo version of a song, usually not intended for commercial release.

The band demoed thirty songs. Their manager thought that ten of the songs would make a good record.

To demonstrate.
To demolish (especially a house or fixture).
2004 June 29, Sonja, Salvage Materials before Demolition of House, quoted in The Owner-Builder Book: Construction Bargain Strategies (ISBN 1932272054), page 336:
This means we are going to demo the house to the dirt, or hopefully leave one wall standing.
(l) (brief demonstration)
(ja-romanization of)
I (l), (l), (non-gloss definition) (l)
(inflection of)
puhekieltä the Devil; Satan
Eſta é de como ſanta maria fez cobrar a Theophilo a carta que fezera cono demo u ſe tornou ſeu vaſſalo.
: This one is (about) how Holy Mary recovered for Theophilos the contract he had made with the Devil and became his vassal.
a devil; a demon
e logo chegar..a alma tomar demões q̇ a leuarõ. mui toſte ſẽ tardar
: and soon devils arrived, seizing the soul, and took it very quickly without delay
devil; demon
puhekieltä (l) (gloss)
puhekieltä of limited functionality
puhekieltä (l)
ranska démonstration (f)
saksa Demonstration (f), Vorführung (f)
kreikka επίδειξη (f)
italia dimostrazione (f)
venäjä демонстра́ция (f), пока́з (m)
ruotsi demonstration


  • näyte (nauha) : Mä lähetin meidän bändin demon Fasulle.


demo rimmaa näiden kanssa:

emo, maaemo, kanaemo, koiraemo, sorsaemo, keinoemo, lentoemo, luontoemo, asemo

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