

  1. Bandoneón, piikkilanka, käsiharmonikka, piikkilankarullaeste, vapaalehdykkäsoitin, taittaa kokoon, taittua kuin haitari.

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taittua kuin haitari

piikkilankarullaeste puhekieltä A musical instrument, like the various accordions, that is a member of the free-reed family of musical instruments, typically having buttons on both ends.
Something resembling a concertina, such as a folded book, a bus door or a set of picture frames that are folded together.
Coiled barbed wire for use as an obstacle.Webster's New Dictionary And Thesaurus, Geddes & Grosset Ltd., New Lanark, Scotland 1990
A type of booklet label, consisting of up to 32 pages of booklet as an insert.
to become compressed into a shape reminiscent of a concertina

The car concertinaed into the wall.

2012, Amy Schoeman, w:Skeleton Coast|Skeleton Coast, page ii
Millions of years ago the mica schists surrounding the old Brandberg West Mine became folded and concertinaed by enormous horizontal pressures.
to be drawn closer and farther apart repeatedly, or up and down, as if situated on a working concertina's folds
2007, David W Cameron, 25 April 1915: The Day the Anzac Legend Was Born, page 36
This resulted in some fragmentation of the line as the boats in some cases closed to just 50 metres as they concertinaed in and out of sight of each other.
puhekieltä (l)


concertina rimmaa näiden kanssa:

tina, latina, munkkilatina, vulgaarilatina, kirkkolatina, platina, natina, patina, ratina, lehtitina

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