

  1. sade, rankkasade, kaatosade, vedenpaisumus, tulva.

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kaatosade A sudden heavy rainstorm.
1899, w:Edith Wharton|Edith Wharton, "A Cup of Cold Water" in The Greater Inclination:

But the sound . . . expressed an utter abandonment to grief; not the cloud-burst of some passing emotion, but the slow down-pour of a whole heaven of sorrow.
1908, w:Stewart Edward White|Stewart Edward White, The Riverman, ch. 38:
A cloudburst in the China Creek district followed by continued heavy rains was responsible for the increased water.
1936 Aug. 17, ",9171,756493,00.html Miscellany," Time (retrieved 20 May 2014):
In Uniontown, Pa., John Walchesky & family rushed from their house when lightning set it afire, rushed in again when a cloudburst put out the blaze.
2007 Feb. 25, w:Norman Howard|Norman Howard, " Devotion, chapter 1" (book excerpt), New York Times (retrieved 20 May 2014):
He walked across the lawn, wet from a fleeting late-afternoon cloudburst, the first rain in a month.


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