

  1. hyväntuulinen, iloinen



  1. iloinen, hilpeä, eloisa, herttainen, itsevarma, huolettoman itsevarma.

Lisää synonyymejää



eloisa Exhibiting a lively optimism; in high spirits, cheerful.
puhekieltä A fish and chips|fish and chip shop, or more generally a cheap fast food outlet, typically selling chips and other deep-fried foods.
puhekieltä A deep frier.
puhekieltä A machine that reduces organic matter to compost; depending on size, whole tree trunks are reduced to sawdust; a woodchipper.
puhekieltä An occasional tobacco user, or more generally drug user.
A machine that chips potatoes ready to be fried and made into chips.
A company that manufactures potato chips/potato crisps.
1974, Potato Chipper (volume 33, issues 16-27, page 25)

Bichel asked chippers several thought-provoking questions about potato procurement, storage and handling.
1978, Joan Dye Gussow, The Feeding Web: Issues in Nutritional Ecology (page 151)
Pet Inc.'s Laura Scudder division, a West Coast region chipper, has revamped its Dittos brand stack chips.
Someone who chips (e.g. wood).
puhekieltä A player who chips the ball.
puhekieltä To chirp or chirrup.


saksa Schredder (m), Häcksler


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