


  1. shakki|k=en linnoitus



  1. šakkisiirto, tornitus, linnoitus.

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tornitus, linnoitus puhekieltä An abortion, or a premature birth.
1646: Wherein notwithstanding, we should rather rely upon the urine in a castling’s bladder — Sir Thomas Browne, Pseudodoxia Epidemica, Book II, ch 5
puhekieltä The second or third swarm of bees which leaves a hive in a season.
A miniature cast or mould.
2009, Danielle Devon, Divinity in Chains - Page 6:

From the Celeste's own image was the first castling molded. A soft, delicate creature of flesh and blood she would call Woman. So that Her castlings may never feel the loneliness she Herself did suffer, she bestowed woman with a mate ...
One that is cast.
1678, Claude Saumaise, Funus linguae hellenisticae:
... shift for themselves, and seek out new habitations; such castlings might in their waudring throughout the South Sea (most of the Oriental Islands being formerly inhabited by by their Off-spring) fall with the coast of Term Primitive Language.
puhekieltä A move in which the king moves two squares towards a rook, and the rook moves to the other side of the king; the action of the verb to castle.
puhekieltä A defense structure in Japanese chess in which the king (玉) is positioned in a certain way so that it is protected by pawns (歩) and silver general(s) (銀) and/or gold general(s) (金) often with an additional knight (桂) and lance (香車).
(present participle of)


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