


  1. kapula, valanne, aihio, harkko

Esimerkkejä billet sanan käytöstä:

steel billet

Liittyvät sanat: billetterie



  1. elinkeino, liiketoiminta, työ, toimiala, ala, kiinnostuksen kohde, elinkeinoelämä, ammatti, yritystoiminta, asema, toimi, paikka, virka, työpaikka, posti, tehtävä, kunniatohtorius, kirjanpitäjän asema, amiraalinarvo, amiraalinvirka, lähettilääntoimi, suurlähettilään toimi, suurlähettilään virka.

Lisää synonyymejää






majapaikka, majoitus A short informal letter.
(RQ:Fielding Tom Jones)

However, when his cool reflections returned, he plainly perceived that his case was neither mended nor altered by Sophia's billet(..)
A written order to quarter soldiers.
A place where a soldier is assigned to lodge.
1997, Chris Horrocks, Introducing Foucault, page 9 (Totem Books, Icon Books; ISBN 1840460865)
17 June 1940: Prime Minister Pétain requests armistice. Germans use the Foucaults’ holiday home as officers’ billet. Foucault steals firewood for school from collaborationist militia. Foucault does well at school, but messes up his summer exams in 1940.
An allocated space or berth in a boat or ship.
puhekieltä berth; position
Pall Mall Magazine
His shafts of satire fly straight to their billet, and there they rankle.
puhekieltä To lodge soldiers, or guests, usually by order.
(w) (1783-1859)
Billeted in so antiquated a mansion.
puhekieltä To lodge, or be quartered, in a private house.
puhekieltä To direct, by a ticket or note, where to lodge.
puhekieltä A semi-finished length of metal.
A short piece of wood, especially one used as firewood.
William Shakespeare
They shall beat out my brains with billets.
puhekieltä A rectangle used as a charge on an escutcheon.
puhekieltä An ornament in Norman work, resembling a billet of wood, either square or round.
puhekieltä A strap that enters a buckle.
A loop that receives the end of a buckled strap.


ticket (admission to entertainment, pass for transportation)
note, banknote


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