


  1. apteekkari



  1. terveydenhoitoalan ammattilainen, perusterveydenhuollon järjestäjä, terveyspiiri, terveydenhuollon järjestäjä, hoitaja, farmaseutti, apteekkari, kemisti, pillerinpyörittäjä, proviisori.

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apteekkari puhekieltä A person who makes and provides/sells drugs and/or medicines.
(RQ:Shakespeare Romeo), scene 3 (First Folio ed.)

O true Apothecarie!Thy drugs are quicke. Thus with a kiſſe I die.
puhekieltä A drugstore or pharmacy.
1919, S.A., “Pharmacy in Russia”, in Soviet Russia, volume 1, number 27, http://books.google.com/books?id=ElVGAAAAMAAJ&pg=RA12-PA6&dq=apothecary page 6:
The Russian people as a whole almost revered the apothecary, and they entered it as they would enter a sanctum.
1998, Karen Holliday Tanner, Doc Holliday: A Family Portrait, University of Oklahoma Press (2001), ISBN 978-0-8061-3320-1, http://books.google.com/books?id=O9GXyeUpDaIC&pg=PA205&dq=apothecary pages 205–206:
He was befriended by a local druggist, Jay Miller, who worked at the apothecary at the corner of Sixth and Harrison Street.
2001, Audrey Horning, “Archeology and the Science of Discovery”, in Barbara Heath et al., Jamestown Archeological Assessment, U.S. National Parks Service, http://books.google.com/books?id=DLWVFHB4sfsC&pg=PA31&dq=apothecary page 31:
Seeds found in a 1630s refuse-filled clay borrow pit, located near an apothecary, illustrate colonists (SI) intense interest in experimenting with the medicinal qualities of New World plants.


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