
Esimerkkejä affiliation sanan käytöstä:

I would say that most Mauritanians would refer to Mohamed Khouna Ould Haidalla as simply OULD HAIDALLA rather than Mohamed Khouna Ould Haidalla or even Mohamed Khouna. This name is made up of a first name (Mohamed Khouna) and a family name (Ould Haidalla) meaning "Son of Haidalla" as in English or Scottish family names such as Jacobson or McNeil. It does not include a middle name or a tribal affiliation. The traditional practice of writing the complete name would read: Mohamed Kouna (first name) Ould Haidalla (family name) Al-Arusy (tribal affiliation).Ould-Mey, Mohameden [ review of Historical Dictionary of Mauritania, Second Edition] in "Journal of Third World Studies" (Fall 1998)



  1. suhde, yhteys, yhdessäolo, liittyminen, yhtyminen, jälleenliittyminen, side, kytkös.

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kytkös, yhteys, side

liittyminen, yhtyminen The relationship resulting from affiliate affiliating one thing with another.
puhekieltä The establishment of a child's paternity or maternity
1938, w:Xavier Herbert|Xavier Herbert, w:Capricornia (novel)|Capricornia, Chapter VII, p. 114,

(..) he did not (..) forget to write to Mark a stinging letter in which he stated that if he refused to accept his responsibilities he would see that an action for affiliation was brought against him.
1978, A.G. Chloros (ed.), The Reform of Family Law in Europe, Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media,
If the defendant is adjudged to be the father, an affiliation order can be made under which he will be obliged to pay any expenses incidental to the birth and to pay a weekly sum for the maintenance and education of the child.
2001, Jane Wright, Tort Law and Human Rights, Oxford and Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing, p. 117
The complaint in Marckx related to the fact that according to Belgian law, birth did not create a legal bond between a child and its unmarried mother. Under the Civil Code the mother had to follow an affiliation procedure which would result in adoption of the child.
A club, society or umbrella organisation so formed, especially a trade union.


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