

  1. metsä.

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Liittyvät sanat: waldorfinsalaatti.


englanti puhekieltä To govern; inherit.
puhekieltä power Power; strength.
puhekieltä command Command; control; possession.
forest Forest; woods.
a wooded area, forested land, the woods; a wooded tract, forest preserve; the forest as a wild place

Þe wurmes & te wilde deor ... o þis wald wunieð. — St. Margaret of Antioch, c1225

Ȝif æi mon hine mihte ifinden uppe þissere wælden, ... — Layamons Brut, c1275

''Beliagog in þat nede Fond him riche wald To fine. — Sir Tristrem, c1330

Was nouthire waldis in þar walke ne watir to fynde. — Wars of Alexander, 1450

force, violence
a forest

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