

  1. luonto

  2. luonne

Liittyvät sanat: naturalismi, naturalisti, naturalistinen.


englanti nature
natureEnglish nature
essence, character
nature, quality, or essence of a thing
character, temperament, inclination
the natural world
natura non facit saltus
Nature does not make leaps.
puhekieltä birth
(inflection of)
nature, quality
c. 1250: w:Alfonso X|Alfonso X, Lapidario, f. 7v.
… aquella tierra o son falladas otras piedras de muchas naturas ¬ muy nobles de que fablaremos adelante en eſte libro …
: … that land where other stones with many and very noble natures are found, of which we will speak later in this book …
Idem, f. 45r.
De natura es fria et ſeca. ¬ las ſus uertudes son contrarias a ſu natura. …
: And it is cold and dry in nature, and its virtues are contrary to its nature; …
puhekieltä vulva, female genitals
c. 1250: w:Alfonso X|Alfonso X, Lapidario, f. 9r.
Et aun a otra uertud muy eſtranna. que ſi la molieré ¬ la amaſſaren có uino ¬ fizieré della como bellota. ¬ la puſieren en la natura dela mugier, uieda que no enprenne.
: And it has yet another very strange virtue; that if it were to be ground and mixed with wine and shaped like an acorn, and put inside the vulva of the woman, it would prevent her from not becoming pregnant.
in-kind (non-monetary payment), most often used in the adverbial postfix phrase in natura, sometimes i natura, and in compounds

betalning i natura

in-kind payment


natura rimmaa näiden kanssa:

antura, meriantura, polkuantura, kanttura, nuttura, suttura

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