

  1. ilma

Katso myös: aerodance

Liittyvät sanat: aerobic, aerobikata, aerobikkaaja, aerobikkaus, aerobikki, aerobinen.


englanti Of or pertaining to aviation

Weve seen a lot of growth in the aero sector.''

1918, Illustrated World (volume 29, issue 3, page 406)
According to aero experts these planes will be capable of carrying six passengers, five machine guns, a special rapid fire aerogun and about fifty bombs, and will be practically immune from injury due to attacks by the light battleplanes (..)
aerodynamic Aerodynamic, or having an aerodynamic appearance

Its a very aero design, with smooth lines.''

puhekieltä aerodynamics Aerodynamics
{{quote-journal|date=February 12, 2009|author=Paul Gover|title=Australian Grand Prix sleep-in suits Robert Kubica,|work=Herald Sun|url=,21985,25041973-11088,00.html
puhekieltä An airplane or airship.
(inflection of)
A wicker basket, a hamper
(es-verb form of)


aero rimmaa näiden kanssa:

aikaero, luokkaero, virkaero, hintaero

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