

  1. seliteteksti|substantiiviin liitettävä johdin, joka ilmaisee että jollakulla tai jollakin on kyseinen asia; -inen, -llinen

Esimerkkejä -ig sanan käytöstä:

smuts 'lika' nuolioikea smutsig 'likainen'



  1. -inen, -va, -vä, -nen, -uus, -yys.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä


englanti -y for adjectives
-y, forming adjectives from nouns or verb stems
-ed, when attached to a noun preceded by an adjective that describes the noun


-y, forming adjectives from nouns
forming adjectives from verbs, well doing
forming adjectives from adverbs
puhekieltä until, till, up to. Used to form the terminative case. It can refer to both time and place. It is used by both back and front vowel words.

Ötig dolgozom. - I work until five o'clock.

Az állomásig busszal mentünk, de onnan hazáig már gyalog. - We traveled by bus to the station but from there to home we walked.

for a specified length of time

10 percig olvastam a levelet, olyan hosszú volt. - I was reading the letter for 10 minutes, it was so long.

forming adjectives from nouns and verbs (see -y)
forming adjectives from i-stem nouns and verbs (see English -y)
-y; making adjectives

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