
Tarkoititko: öylätti

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englanti A diacritic used in the International Phonetic Alphabet for ejective and other glottalized consonants

kʼ, tʼ, sʼ, etc.

The nineteenth letter of the Navajo alphabet. It is used before or after a vowel to indicate a glottal stop. In addition, it is part of the following Navajo letters: chʼ, kʼ, tʼ, tłʼ, tsʼ. Every Navajo word begins with either the glottal stop or another consonant. If a vowel appears to begin a word, it is pronounced with a glottal stop at the beginning, but the stop usually is not written: ooljééʼ (sometimes spelled ooljééʼ ʼooljééʼ).
The thirty-fifth letter of the Tundra Nenets alphabet

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